Pushback of the Week: January 15, 2024: The German Farmers

“Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bonds.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Farmers of Europe unite!

We would like to draw your attention once again to the ongoing resistance of European farmers, who are steadfastly opposing their governments’ plans to eliminate subsidies for agricultural diesel and reduce tax benefits for agriculture. On January 8, 2024, German farmers (and their tractors) united in large numbers throughout the country, initiating a series of impactful strikes that have garnered support from truckers, bikers, and citizens from all corners of Germany, resulting in widespread road blockades. This movement is not only taking place in major cities but has also reached smaller towns and villages, with tens of thousands of supporters joining farmers on the streets, where trailerloads of manure have been strategically dumped.

The solidarity displayed by German farmers has resonated beyond Germany’s borders, as people in neighboring nations such as Poland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, and France also join their cause, with many individuals from these countries ready to take a stand.

This uprising is not merely a one-day protest; it is a remarkable demonstration of unity and collective strength that extends even beyond Europe, capturing worldwide attention from those who recognize its significance.

Events in Germany follow on the heels of recent steps taken by the Dutch government that likewise threaten farmers’ land and livelihoods. Historically, agriculture has held significant importance for the Dutch economy; despite its relatively small size, the Netherlands is recognized as one of the leading global exporters of agricultural products. However, citing a potential pollution crisis, the Dutch government has imposed stringent measures to reduce farm emissions, including imposing a 50% reduction in nitrogen emissions by 2030 and a significant decrease in livestock numbers across the country. As a result, numerous Dutch farmers also have taken to the streets, staging protests to express their opposition to the government’s ambitious emission reduction targets. Dutch farmers (often driving their tractors) and their supporters have rallied in large numbers in various cities. In their own show of solidarity, many households have even displayed the Dutch flag upside down as a symbol of protest against the government’s plans.

We express our utmost admiration for the dedication and determination exhibited by farmers and their supporters throughout Europe and their tireless efforts to protect the agricultural sector and preserve fundamental rights and freedoms.


The Great German Farmer Protests Have Begun

SURVEY: 69% of Germans Support the Farmers’ Protest

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