Pushback of the Week: August 26, 2024: Kit Knightly and the Rise of the False False Flag

Why would a state apparatus with the power to really do something, opt to only pretend to do it?” ~ Kit Knightly, “The Rise of the FALSE False Flag”

Kit Knightly of the independent media platform OffGuardian is a self-described “accidental journalist, deliberate contrarian, [and] overworked editor” who is “[i]ncreasingly impatient with the general state of things.”

Fans of Knightly’s work acknowledge him for his unwavering attention to critical global matters and his readiness to not only challenge prevailing mainstream media narratives but also explore the underlying reasons for their existence. Catherine, one of his fans, comments, “Given the current issues surrounding England and free speech, it’s wonderful to see Kit come out with more clear thinking—it appears great journalism lives in the UK yet.”

We would like to particularly highlight Knightly’s recent and brilliantly lucid insights presented in OffGuardian’s series discussing “false flags,” notably his July 11 article, “The Rise of the FALSE False Flag.” We encourage you to explore, follow, and support the work of both Knightly and OffGuardian.


The Rise of the FALSE False Flag

Stabbings to Show Trials: 9 Simple Steps to Criminalize Free Speech

Why You Should NEVER Believe Your Eyes

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OffGuardian articles by Kit Knightly


False Flag (Wikipedia)

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Blast from the Past: Week of May 3, 2021: Richard Dolan’s False Flags

Solari Documentary of the Year 2017: Richard Dolan’s False Flags

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