By Ulrike Granögger
Despite a shocking lack of good manufacturing practices (GMP) by the SARS-CoV-2 “vaccine” producers such as Pfizer and Moderna, it has been difficult to find ways to sue these corporations due to liability exemptions in their contracts and the fact that the responsible party for the development and distribution of the injections is in fact the Department of Defense and the military, as reported by Sasha Latypova together with Katherine Watt.
Recently, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (and other voices before him) had identified the cationic lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) as a possible “Achille’s heel” of liability for manufacturers because the positively charged particles—even without carrying messenger RNA as their cargo—act like poison in the system and have not been cleared in adequate safety studies for use in humans. This fact was known to the manufacturers and regulators and thus can be brought up in legal charges.
Another significant discovery has been made recently that could be a “gamechanger” in the legal approach against vaccine mandates and in the public perception of the mRNA injections altogether. This is a quick overview of the recent and evolving developments and their serious implications.
Dr. Kevin McKernan is an expert in DNA sequencing. He was part of the Human Genome Project at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at MIT; he founded his own company Medicinal Genomics, and developed the SOLiD sequencer for next-generation nucleic acid sequencing. By all measures, it can be said that he knows what he is doing when it comes to nucleic acid analysis.
His group employed various techniques to assay the nucleic acids in the vaccine vials, and what they found is disturbing. 20%-35% of the nucleic acids in the injectable content of the Moderna and Pfizer vials was actually—DNA. Needless to say, there should not be any DNA in a supposedly mRNA treatment, but there is more to the story.
McKernan was provided with several vials of both the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA injections and based on the many reports of health risks associated with the injections decided to look at their ingredients and the integrity of their RNA content. Other researchers, and even official regulatory bodies, had already discovered RNA fragmentation and an instability of the “vaccine” contents. What actually gets injected?
We—the general public—were told that the “vaccines” consist of LNPs that carry a strand of mRNA across the cellular membrane to express the spike protein in the cell. Most of us never wondered where the “artificial” mRNA was coming from or how it was synthesized.
The mRNA for the “vaccines” is manufactured in bacteria
The most efficient way to produce the large amounts of mRNA needed for a purpose like “Project Warp Speed” to inject a planet-sized population is in vitro transcription or enzymatic synthesis by plasmids.

Plasmids are small rings of DNA that replicate independently from the chromosomal, genomic DNA, and are usually found in bacteria. When the bacteria multiply—and we all know that they do so rather quickly—the plasmids will also multiply. This is used as a tool in genetic engineering to grow desired genes that can then be inserted into another organism.
From the DNA of these plasmids, also called the “expression vector” acting as a template, the mRNA for the injections is derived. The laboratory plasmids usually contain an antibiotic resistance gene that is employed as a detection marker to select only those bacteria that carry the desired plasmid gene.
For the end product, only the mRNA molecule should remain; all other bacterial components and DNA nucleic acids must be filtered and purified. It is particularly imperative that the antibiotic resistance gene be removed before the therapeutic is released into the environment! However, nothing of this seems to have been done.

The vaccines are contaminated by expression vector
Injecting an organism with foreign DNA can trigger anaphylactic shock and sepsis. Remnants of bacteria are endotoxins that when injected cause fevers and inflammatory response. (A similar endotoxin injection was used in the experiments with Wim Hof, who could regulate his immune response by the breath and the mind.)
By sequencing the nucleic acid content of the vials, McKernan not only found plasmid DNA at a ratio of at least 1:350 to 1:3000 (DNA:RNA) but also determined that much of it presented itself as double-stranded and circular DNA. In short, it is “replication competent.” Furthermore, the plasmid DNA found in the vials also contains the (Kanamycin) antibiotic resistance gene. This means that plasmids replicating in the human body are capable of conferring antibiotic resistance to the body’s innate bacteria, for example in the gut.

How many of these plasmids are injected with each shot? Calculations give as many as 0.5 trillion plasmids per dose! If we compare this to the 7.5 trillion cells with a nucleus in the human body, this renders a ratio of plasmids to viable cells of 1:15!
The method of choice for gene modification
With such vast amounts of replicable circular plasmid DNA injected with each dose, the question of a possible “reverse transcription” of mRNA into the vaccinee’s genome is no longer of major concern. What we are seeing is exactly how genetic engineering and gene therapy is carried out—by the use of plasmids that transport the intended gene or genetic manipulation into the cell.
DNA contamination has been found in both the new bivalent boosters as well as in the earlier monovalent injectables.
Will the manufacturers finally be held responsible?
- The mRNA for the Pfizer and Moderna injections is produced by bacteria.
- Bacterial components and plasmid DNA have not been properly purified and removed.
- Injected plasmids are replication competent and probably antibiotic resistant.
- Integration into the genome is feasible.

Related reading:
Kevin McKernan’s articles on Substack that describe the research and findings
1) Deep sequencing of the Moderna and Pfizer bivalent vaccines identifies contamination of expression vectors designed for plasmid amplification in bacteria – February 16, 2023
2) Pfizer and Moderna bivalent vaccines contain 20-35% expression vector and are transformation competent in E.coli – March 09, 2023
3) DNA contamination in Pfizer monovalent vaccines – March 25, 2023
Of additional interest:
Unique SARS-CoV-2 genomes found in Antarctic samples of 2018
Intramuscular plasmid DNA injection can accelerate autoimmune responses
Special Solari Report: The Wim Hof Interview
Solari Future Science Series hosted by Ulrike Granögger
views: 59