My Position on the U.S. Presidential Election

“Nobody gives you power, boy, you take it.”
~ Jock Ewing, oil magnate from TV show Dallas,
to his son Bobby complaining about his bully brother JR

By Catherine Austin Fitts

Here is my position on the U.S. presidential election.

I have not endorsed any candidate. I keep reading posts that say I have, but that is not accurate.

I have donated to Robert Kennedy’s campaign, as I have tremendous admiration for his accomplishments as an attorney and head of Children’s Health Defense and have been enthusiastic about the transparency he has brought in his campaign. Based on his positions on the genocide in Gaza, I do not anticipate making additional donations.

I have learned that a lot can happen between now and the election. That said, if the vote was today, I would not be voting for any of the current candidates. Consider their positions on Gaza; if they are not willing to hold the criminal syndicate responsible that engineered both the mass atrocity of the Israeli people and the ongoing genocide of civilians in Gaza and the related asset takings, they clearly will not be able to protect the U.S. Treasury and our pension funds from that crime syndicate either. If the criminal syndicates are unchecked, anticipate a serious round of disaster capitalism coming to America regardless of who wins the election.

I am not inclined to write in for Bernie Sanders, but he makes a lot of sense on Gaza; he just forgot to mention the importance of banning dual-passport citizens from top jobs in Washington.

I will make a decision on who I will vote for or write in when we are down to the wire – I will vote. Would be nice if one of the existing candidates was willing to be real about the real financial issues. I never give up hope.

Advice on Economy and Financial System
Subject to time constraints, I will continue to do my best to help candidates who ask for my thoughts about reform of the financial system and to publish what I tell them, so that other candidates and voters can access that information.

Investment of Time
As Americans, if we want governmental and individual sovereignty, we should focus on state and local elections and private actions, and dramatically reduce our investment of time and money in the U.S. presidential election. If each of us took the steps listed in Take Action below, we would have a revolution. So let’s do it, and stop investing time in an election that is unlikely to improve our chances of protecting our sovereignty.

Take Action:

Make taking action in your life your priority:

  1. Use cash.
  2. Persuade your state senator and representative to pass legislation that removes the sales tax from all cash purchases of $500 or less.
  3. Shift your bank deposits out of large banks and into well-governed and managed local community banks and credit unions.
  4. Educate the people you know about the central bankers’ insane plans. Send around our short videos of central bankers telling you what they are going to do.
  5. Eat fresh local food and connect up with the people who support it, including your local Solari Circles and chapters of the Weston A. Price Foundation and Children’s Health Defense.
  6. Get to know your state representatives and local sheriff and support them and many other state, local and civic leaders as they fight for our sovereignty and freedom.
  7. Pray for freedom and for all of the people who are fighting for freedom. Also pray for the people who are destroying our sovereignty and profiting from it, that their hearts should be changed and they should become sane again.
  8. Get everyone you know to do the same.

We must decentralize political and economic power. It is foolish to expect that one person can go to Washington without a personal army and change things in the capital of centralization controlled by violent criminal syndicates.

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