Food & Health – 1st Quarter 2019

More than 1 million acres of U.S. cropland ravaged by floods
MSN | 27 March 2019

EU bans UK’s most-used pesticide over health and environment fears
BBC | 29 March 2019

The Places in America that Use the Most (and Least) Pesticides
Price Economics | 30 March 2019

Justice Department Endorses Federal Court Move to Eliminate Obamacare in Its Entirety
Need to Know News | 28 March 2019

Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege

Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege

TEDx | 13 March 2013

Family Raided by Cops, Their Children Taken—for Not Bringing Son to ER for a Fever

Family Raided by Cops, Their Children Taken—for Not Bringing Son to ER for a Fever

Aidan Umpherson | 02 March 2019

AZ SWAT team breaks into home to remove an unvaccinated toddler after doctor reported his parents to
Twitter/ TraderSef | 28 March 2019

Dear Senator Romney, Vaccine Coercion Will Backfire. A Call for Leadership
Fearless Parent | 26 March 2019

Professor Noakes Found Innocent (Again)!
Nutrion Coalition | 08 June 2018

BREAKING: Rockland County NY Becomes America’s First Vaccine Police State
Green Media Info | 27 March 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Autism Action Network Team 2019
Group Rev | 28 March 2019

Latest Solari Donation
Farmer’s Footprint the Beginning
Farmer’s Footprint | 25 March 2019

Jury Awards Over $80 Million in Roundup Exposure Case
WSJ | 27 March 2019

Measles outbreak: Rockland County, New York, declares state of emergency
CBS News | 26 March 2019

The Effects of Restore Dietary Supplement on Markers of
Intestinal Permeability and Immune System Function in Healthy Subjects;
A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
Shopify | 26 March 2019

New York county bans unvaccinated minors from public places
End of The American Dream | 26 March 2019

Purdue Pharma Begins Resolution of Opioid Cases With $270 Million Deal
WSJ | 26 March 2019

Stand up and be counted! It’s your health, your family and your choice.
National Vaccine Info Center | 26 March 2019

Dirty water 20 times deadlier to children in conflict zones than bullets – Unicef
The Guardian | 24 March 2019

Robert F. Kennedy Exposes Bill Gates and his Relationship with Big Pharma
Era of Light | 24 March 2019

Oregon proposed legislation would require health officials to review independent studies on microwave radiation from wireless technology.
EM Facts | 23 March 2019

UPS To Send Nurses For In-Home Vaccinations
Zero Hedge | 23 March 2019

US jury finds Monsanto’s Roundup was a ‘substantial factor’ in causing man’s cancer
RT | 20 March 2019

How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health
Mercola | 23 October 2016

This Is a Very Important Video: Free Speech and Shutting Down the Vaccine Debate We feel like this is one of the most important videos we’ve made.
Truth Stream Media | 17 March 2019

Nearly half of cancer patients lose life savings
Undernews | 17 March 2019

A Scientist’s Rebuttal to the Danish Cohort Study
Focus for Health | 13 March 2019

Infanrix Hexa Vaccine Found To Contain 65 Unknown-To-Science Compounds, Latest Corvelva Investigative Assays Reveal
Natural Blaze | 21 December 2018

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons takes a stand against mandatory vaccination
SOTT | 06 March 2019

Routine Vaccination Kills UK Cancer Expert Shortly After The Jab
Activist Post | 11 January 2019

It is Now or Never to Oppose the Fake News & Science Behind Mandatory Vaccines
The National Health Foundation | 08 March 2019

New Danish MMR Study Shows Autism Rate of 1 in 100—CDC Should Rush to Denmark!
Childrens Health Defense | 08 March 2019

‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Bribery, Perjury, Racketeering, and Treason Charged Agains Pro-Vaccination Senators
War on the People | 06 March 2019

Congressman Posey Writes Mark Zuckerberg, Weighing-In on the Facebook Censorship Debate
Childrens Health Defense | 06 March 2019

Vaxxed the Movie
Vimeo | 02 March 2019
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe | Official HD Trailer | CLS
CinemaLibre | 31 March 2016
The Highwire | 04 March 2019

Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. - Natural Immunity and Vaccination

Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. – Natural Immunity and Vaccination

AGF Meck | 30 October 2013

Washington State Health Secretary Claims Lawmakers Are Receiving Death Threats for Proposing Mandatory Vaccines Amid Measles Outbreak
Need to Know News | 05 March 2019

More Americans under the age of 40 are having heart attacks
Market Watch | 08 March 2019

Washington State House Passes Bill Banning Personal Vaccine Exemptions
iHeart | 06 March 2019

How a pro-vaccine doctor reopened debate about link to autism
The Hill | 13 January 2019

Second HIV Patient May Be Cured After Stem-Cell Transplant
WSJ | 04 March 2019

Cancer Inc. – Cancer 16
IDM | 00 March 2018

Hook Me Up: Are IV Clinics for You?
Time | 13 January 2013

Action Alert: Urgent: Congressional hearing Wed. on measles outbreak (Pretext to eliminate vaccine exemptions nationally?)
Autism Action Alert | 28 February 2019

YouTube Begins Shutting Down Revenue For Anti-Vaccine Videos
Activist Post | 25 February 2019

These Are the World’s Healthiest Nations
Bloomberg | 24 February 2019

The 5G Apocalypse and Why Health Food Won’t Save You w. Dr. Jack Kurse
Luke Story | 21 February 2018

Scientists Release Controversial Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In High-Security Lab
NPR | 20 February 2018

Bill Gates backs tiny robotic surgeons that operate from inside a patient’s body
RT | 16 February 2019

The Vaccine Controvery: Can You Spot the Trends? Alan Phillips, J.D. Vaccine Rights Attorney
Mail Chimp| 15 February 2019

Eating Bugs Is the Future of Sustainable Farming?
Austin Chronicle | 15 February 2019

Lincoln startup developing cricket-based foods works to overcome the ick factor
Omaha | 09 February 2019

5G: Wireless Industry Confesses: “No Studies Show 5G is Safe”
Take Back Your Power | 14 February 2019

US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing

US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing

US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing

Environmental Health Trust | 08 February 2019

New Study Finds 41% Increase In Cancer Risk From Roundup’s Glyphosate
Zero Hedge | 14 February 2019

Turkish Government Wages War With “Price-Gouging Terrorist, Traitors” As Food Inflation Soars
Zero Hedge | 12 February 2019

Turkish Food Fight Spreads With Fines, Raids as Inflation Stings
Bloomberg | 10 February 2019

Chickens Genetically Modified To Lay Eggs Containing Cancer Drugs
Technocracy | 08 February 2019

California Sees Increase in Cases of Valley Fever, Deadly Fungal Disease
NTD | 07 February 2019

Typhus Epidemic Spreads Across Los Angeles Due to Homeless Population and Rat-Infested Piles of Trash
Need to Know| 04 February 2019

Action Alert: Don’t believe the hype, 75% of measles cases in Rockland County, NY were vaccinated
Autism Action Network | 02 February 2019

A New York Law Has Catapulted Later Abortion Back Into the Political Spotlight. Here’s What the Legislation Actually Does
Time | 01 February 2019

Britain’s Chief Doctor Exits Having Made Poor Case For MMR Safety
Age of Autism | 01 February 2019

Free Article: How to Help Your Child with Autism Overcome Picky Eating
Autism Parenting Magazine | 01 December 2015

Welcome to the Literal Nanny State
Truthstream Media | 31 January 2019
300 Articles on Vaccines Causing/Spreading Disease
Vaccine-injury Info | 31 January 2019

Phantom investigation? France delays report on mystery cases of babies born without arms
RT | 31 January 2019

San Francisco — where drug addicts outnumber high school students
SF Chronicle | 31 January 2019

Next Solari Donation
Important Vax Rights Attorney “Witch Hunt” Update!
Mail Chimp | 27 January 2019

Cities and Circular Economy for Food: Building a food system fit for the 21st century and beyond
Ellen MacArthur Foundation | 24 January 2019

North Carolina State Bar Sues Vaccine Rights Attorney in Classic Witch Hunt: How to Help:
Vaccine Rights | 22 January 2019

State of emergency declared in US measles outbreak
Yahoo | 26 January 2019

Indian Army Introduces Yoga for Soldiers – Isha Hatha Yoga

Indian Army Introduces Yoga for Soldiers - Isha Hatha Yoga

Indian Army Introduces Yoga for Soldiers – Isha Hatha Yoga

Sadhguru | 25 January 2019

Surviving in a Venezuelan City: “You Have No Clue About How People Really Are When They Are Faced With Hunger”
SHTF Plan | 21 January 2019

Defending a Venezuelan Homestead: “Eventually people will come for what you have”
The Organic Prepper | 07 January 2019

Latest Solari Donation
The Enid Fund for NOFA-VT: A movement of over 1,000 organic farmers, thousands of homesteaders, gardeners, mindful eaters and cooks, hundreds of businesses, all working together on a shared vision for what Vermont agriculture can be
Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont | 21 January 2019

Latest Solari Action Alert
US Take Action: NY Times calls for eliminating religious and secular exemptions
NY, CT and ME moving on ending exemption

Autism Action Network | 21 January 2019

Zap: How Electric Therapy Is Curing Navy SEALs of PTSD … And Could Remake Brain Science
Defense One | 20 January 2019

Johns Hopkins, Bristol-Myers Face $1 Billion Suit For Infecting Guatemalan Hookers With Syphilis
Zero Hedge | 19 January 2019

Costco to be the First Major Retailer to Dump Monsanto’s Roundup and Glyphosate Herbicide from its Shelves
Waking Times | 18 January 2019

WHO List Anti-Vaccine Movement As One Of Top 2019 Threats
Vaxxter | 17 January 2019

Owners of Company That Makes Oxycontin Boasted the Drug Would Create a “Prescription Blizzard”
Need to Know | 17 January 2019

Organic farming growing
Undernews | 17 January 2019

AeroMexico offers new ‘DNA Discounts’ in viral ad campaign
The Hill | 17 January 2019

How silicon makes Israel’s desert bloom
The Economist | 12 January 2019

‘Putin puppet’ vs ‘Assad shill’: Dems & Reps unite in panic over Gabbard challenging Trump in 2020
RT | 12 January 2019

2018: Confirmation – Reports Of Bugs And Birds Nearly Gone
Rense | 08 August 2018

For Immediate Release: Contact: Jo Kline 515/975-8524 Health Literacy: The Secret to Being a Power Patient! Power Patients Get Prepped at First-in-the-Nation Seminar Health literacy is the path to better health outcomes and patient safety.
Event Sign up: Health Literacy: The Secret to Being a Power Patient!
Poster: Health Literacy: The Secret to Being a Power Patient! | 11 January 2019

Food Independence & Planetary Evolution: Zach Bush, MD | Rich Roll Podcast

Food Independence & Planetary Evolution: Zach Bush, MD | Rich Roll Podcast

Food Independence & Planetary Evolution: Zach Bush, MD | Rich Roll Podcast

Rich Roll| 08 January 2019

GMOs, Glyphosate & Gut Health

GMOs, Glyphosate & Gut Health

GMOs, Glyphosate & Gut Health

YouTube | 11 March 2018

How to Prevent Parkinson’s Disease with Diet and Lifestyle
Chris Kresser | 10 January 2019

T R U T H .
SGT report | 9 January 2019

Explanatory Video: The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in disease prevention and evidence-based medicine. The Task Force works to improve the health of all Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services
USPSTF | January 2019

U.S. shutdown sends grain traders, farmers hunting for data
Reuters | 11 January 2019

Attkisson Report Reveals Threats Against Congressmen Investigating Autism-Vaccine Link
The Vaccine Reaction | 09 January 2019
FULL MEASURE: January 6, 2019 – The Vaccination Debate

FULL MEASURE: January 6, 2019 - The Vaccination Debate

FULL MEASURE: January 6, 2019 – The Vaccination Debate

Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson | 07 January 2019

Breaking: Golden Globe freaks out stars giving out “flu shots” live on TV, making anti vaxxer jokes
Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News | 06 January 2019

C.E.O. Resigns Over Case of Woman in Vegetative State Who Gave Birth After Sexual Assault

NY Times | 07 January 2019

Victims unknowingly implanted with RFID chips

Victims unknowingly implanted with RFID chips

Victims unknowingly implanted with RFID chips

hacker95242 | 02 December 2012

NYC Mayor Guarantees Comprehensive Health Care for All in Historic Surprise Announcement
NBC News | 08 January 2019

Democratic chairman begins prep work for legislation to enact ‘single payer’ healthcare
Washington Examiner | 08 January 2019

Robert F. Kennedy, JR: Vaccine Big Pharma has Total Legal Immunity
Giza Death Star | 03 January 2019

2019 Will Be “The Year of the Vegan,” Major News Outlets Declare
Mercy for Animals | 26 December 2018

Yale experiment to reanimate dead brains promises ‘living hell’ for humans
Telegraph | 06 May 2018

Is Arthritis in Childhood Becoming the “New Normal”—Are Vaccines to Blame?
Childrens Health Defense | 08 January 2018

Overloading On Vitamin C?
Dr Weil | 23 May 2018
Why Vitamin D is Measured in “IU”
The Health Reporter | 12 October 2015

Human Body Collapse Disorder

Immediately prove if hemp products work

Immediately prove if hemp products work

HeavenSent Enterprises | 18 October 2017

Stephanie Seneff, PhD on Glyphosate (RoundUp) Poisoning

Stephanie Seneff, PhD on Glyphosate (RoundUp) Poisoning

Stephanie Seneff, PhD on Glyphosate (RoundUp) Poisoning

SHAKA Movement | 19 August 2015

Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDx Skidmore College

Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege

Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege

TEDx Talks | 22 December 2013

What You Don’t Know About Flavor Enhancers Can Harm You
Mercola | 01 September2011

2015: Heroin Overdose Deaths Nearly Quadruple in 13 Years
Live Science | 04 March 2015

Go To: 4th Quarter 2018