“This book (An Inconvenient Journey, 2015) describes my journey in the academic world and what happened when I went against the grain and challenged the prevailing paradigm…. I had on my journey gone from being praised to being a heretic who was now a pariah…. What had I actually done? Actually, I was just a curious soul searching for some kind of truth. I wanted to know how the world worked.”
~ Jacob Nordangård, Ph.D.
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week, Dr. Jacob Nordangård, who I met in Stockholm earlier this year and saw again in May at the Northern Light Convention freedom event in Malmo, Sweden, joins me to talk about the global coup d’état we are living, which, contrary to what many believe, has been underway for decades.
Dr. Nordangård is an accomplished Swedish researcher, author, and lecturer, as well as founder and chairman of the foundation Stiftelsen Pharos and CEO of Pharos Media Productions, both of which focus on threats to humanity, habitat, and democracy. He is also a band leader and singer-songwriter whose lyrics are often inspired by his research in these and other areas.
With wide-ranging interests in urban planning, energy, and environmental issues—and graduate degrees in technology and social change, geography, culture, and media production—Dr. Nordangård is well positioned to critically examine the climate change, sustainable development, and transhumanist agendas. His in-depth research on these topics resulted in the publication of his two most recent books: Rockefeller — Controlling the Game (2019) and The Global Coup d’État (2022).
In our wide-ranging discussion, we will talk about how the Rockefeller syndicate came to weaponize energy, medicine, and the environment; the tsunami of rules and mind control that characterize technocracy; the engineering of a global coup through international organizations whose sovereign immunities allow them to operate “above the law” —for example, through the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UN partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF); and the global financial system, including the role of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and its member central banks and monetary authorities and syndicate of “systemically important” banks and financial institutions.
We also talk about what we can do to push back against the global coup.
In Money & Markets this week, John Titus and I will cover the latest events and continue to discuss the financial and geopolitical trends we are tracking in 2022 and the Going Direct Reset. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post at the Money & Markets commentary here.
Please join me for a delightful and fascinating conversation with a brilliant researcher deeply dedicated to understanding and teaching us about reality.
Talk to you Thursday!
Related Reading:
Jacob Nordangård (website)
Books by Jacob Nordangård
Jacob Nordangård, Ph.D. (blog)