[CAF Note: A wonderful Solari Circle leader played King Cash for Halloween. She gave out 160 dollar bills to the trick-or-treaters. Quite a response!]
– I told all the kids to “remember to pay with cash, not credit card” when I gave them their dollar bill with message. They went running back to their parents: “Mommy, I can pay with cash!” It’s hilarious to watch a four-year-old tell their parent to pay with cash.
– I gave them an extra quarter with the same message taped to it IF they could name the presidents on the various bills. One kid told me that Joe Biden was on the $5 bill. YIKES!
– Word got around, and we ended up reaching 160 kids with the Cash is King message on Halloween night.
– One random parent tracked me down and messaged me a picture of the dollar bill with message and thanked me for the message.
– I got into a really hilarious screaming match with a neighbor/friend across the street who works in the credit card industry. This made all the trick-or-treaters on the street stop to listen to the cash vs. credit debate!!
Overall, a bigger success than I imagined.
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