“You can’t legislate integrity.“
~ Joel Salatin
By Pete Kennedy
The lack of transparency as to what is actually in our food is accelerating. Our labeling laws too often leave consumers in the dark and unable to make an informed decision—further contributing to what Catherine Austin Fitts calls “the great poisoning.” The amount of toxic ingredients and substances in our food is rapidly increasing.
One purpose of this audiocast is to encourage the listeners to buy more of their food from regenerative farmers and local artisans. It is becoming more important than ever to buy food directly from producers you know and trust.
Another purpose of the audiocast is to give consumers more information on the ingredients in the food they are purchasing from retail stores. Food labeling is a broad topic; the audiocast will provide listeners with some of the lies of commission and with numerous material omissions on food labeling requirements in areas such as GMOs, “gluten-free” foods, and the 10,000 chemical additives in our food supply.
Dr. Sina McCullough joins the Food Series to shine light on what is actually in our food and the production and processing practices used to make it. Dr. McCullough has a PhD in nutrition and is an expert in disease reversal, functional medicine, and energy medicine as well as being a certified Natural HealerTM, Master Herbalist, and Gluten-Free Society Practitioner.
Dr. McCullough became an expert on food labeling through personal experience; afflicted with an advanced stage of rheumatoid arthritis, she extensively researched food labeling requirements not so much to improve her health but rather to save her life.
In Money & Markets this week, John Titus and Catherine will cover the latest events and continue to discuss the financial and geopolitical trends they are tracking in 2022. E-mail your questions for Ask Catherine or post at the Money & Markets commentary here.
Related Reading:
Hands Off My Food! How Government and Industry Have Corrupted Our Food and Easy Ways to Fight Back by Dr. Sina McCullough
Beyond Labels: A Doctor and a Farmer Conquer Food Confusion One Bite at a Time by Sina McCullough, PhD and Joel Salatin, Farmer
Beyond Labels podcast with Joel Salatin and Dr. Sina McCullough
Solari Food Series:
Synthetic Food with Sally Fallon Morell
Websites to help you buy food direct from the farm:
American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA)
Other Resources:
Environmental Working Group (EWG) Dirty Dozen (list of produce with highest levels of pesticides)
Federal regulations on allowed and disallowed substances for organic food
Chemical Disinfectants used on your meat and poultry – Directory of meat and poultry processors
(www.FSIS.usda.gov/mpidirectory) to contact by matching the facility ID on your label and call or email to inquire
Gluten-Free Society (information about gluten and list of foods containing gluten)
The Truth in Labeling Campaign
Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT)
Land to Market—Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV)
Organic Eye (organic industry watchdog)