In Gratitude
Club de Periodistas de México, A.C.
International Award for Journalism
March 22, 2018
Mexico City
What a privilege it is to be with you today. I am very grateful to Club de Periodistas for making this possible and for your support of excellence in journalism.
Our civilization is coming to a fork in the road. Do we choose to have a human future or will we allow a culture to emerge through force and new technology that is inhuman? Ultimately this is a spiritual question. This is why journalism today often feels like spiritual warfare. Will we govern our world with faith and divine intelligence or allow machine intelligence that serves the secretive few to control and manipulate us?
Journalists make it possible for busy people to understand what is happening and to make wise daily choices to ensure that we act both in our own best interests as well as in the best interests of our wider communities.
In Philadelphia in the summer of 2000, I asked a group of 100 people at a conference of spiritually committed people who would push a red button if it would immediately stop all narcotics trafficking in their neighborhood, city, state and country. Out of 100 people, 99 said they would not push such red button. When surveyed, they said they did not want their retirement savings to go down in value if the U.S. financial system suddenly stopped attracting an estimated $500 billion-$1 trillion a year in global money laundering. They did not want their government checks jeopardized or their taxes raised because of resulting problems financing the federal government deficit.
What I discovered that day was that these well-educated, spiritually committed people did not see a pathway to transact their way out of our financial addictions to global criminal enterprise. So it became my mission to help them see and live the opportunity.
For most of my professional career, I was an investment banker or investment advisor. What I learned was that the existing wealth on planet Earth is 1% or less of what it could be – so great is the cost of a secret governance system whose primary operations are defined by force and war.
There are many solutions to these problems. They begin with journalists bringing the sunshine that says, “Yes, we can understand our world. Yes, things can work!” When I look at your magazine, Voces Del Periodista, it “shouts” out that intention, “Yes, we can!’
It is our job to hold out the vision that the human race can invent our future – one without financial addictions to ill health, slavery and war and to support millions of pathways that can and will make it so.
My company Solari has silver coins minted to give as gifts. I brought several to say thank you for your leadership. On one side is our logo – a solar armillary. An armillary is a tool of alignment. On the other side of our coin its states the golden rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Our job as journalists is to help 7 billion people understand their world so that they can figure out HOW to make wise choices in their daily lives. How can we align our efforts so that justice is a reality for every man, woman and child. When millions of people have the information they need to make wise choices, a mighty army arises.
This is why what you are doing and your vision is so necessary and so powerful.
Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you again for this great honor, for the opportunity to be with you and to have this time in Mexico
~Catherine Austin Fitts, Publisher, The Solari Report