Take Action: Promote Cash and the Constitution This Halloween!

[Note: We applaud this creative initiative by a wonderful Solari Report subscriber who is leading in the push for cash and financial freedom. We invite you to join in the fun!]

Join our family in the Cash & Constitution Halloween Pushback!

We are challenging Solari Report subscribers and others to hand out cash and pocket Constitutions to trick-or-treaters this year instead of poisoning kids with candy!

Pocket Constitutions are only $0.59 cents each with free shipping if you order 100 or more. If you are left with extras after Halloween, you can also give them out for occasions like birthdays and graduations.

We have developed a downloadable file with a “Cash is King: Why Pay with Cash?” message. You can use it to print 2″ x 4″ stickers (Avery Labels #8363) and stick them on the back of dollar bills. Or you can print them out on regular paper, cut them, and wrap quarters or dimes in the messages.

If you want sticky labels but can’t figure out the logistics of printing them, send an email to sdacy@alum.mit.edu and we will snail-mail some labels to you for FREE!

Join us in “turtling forth” on Cash & the Constitution this Halloween!


Debrief from Halloween Cash is King