“Next to being shot at and missed, nothing is really quite as satisfying as an income tax refund.” — F. J. Raymond, humorist
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week on the Solari Report, Patty Kemmerer of Kemmerer Schooley, CPAs joins me to help you with yearend US tax and financial planning.
Our goal is to inspire you to take action now while there is still time, before the end of the tax year.
Patty will be review the full gamut of tax issues, big and small, including yearend trading in investment accounts, 401ks and IRA investments, and Affordable Care Act penalties. We will review new US tax reform legislation likely to be reconciled by Congress and signed into law by the President this month.
Look for practical ideas to address your tax bite and help compliance go smoothly.
In Money & Markets, I will discuss the latest in news and markets, as well as US tax reform in greater detail. Cui bono? What are the consequences of continuing to lower the corporate tax contribution to fund the US federal budget and military intelligence machinery? What are the consequences to global markets and offshore havens if a significant portion of $2.5 trillion of US corporate offshore holdings are reinvested domestically?
In Let’s Go to the Movies, I recommend Marije Meerman’s The Tax Free Tour, which takes a look at tax havens, providing background on the corporate repatriation issues being debated currently in Congress.
Talk to you Thursday!
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On Proposed US Legislation:
Heritage Foundation: Comparison of House and Senate Tax Bills
Related Special Solari Reports:
Special Solari Report: Foreign Asset Reporting Requirement Update: FBAR and FACTA for 2016 Tax Year
Related Reading:
The 50 Largest Stashes of Cash Companies Keep Overseas
The Interactive Calculator Shows How Much Tax Havens are Costing America