Wildcards – Week of 11.27.16

Joker in man Hand over table felt

Antarctica: News and Views From The Nefarium

Giza Death Star | 01 December 2016
Farrell on: Former Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin…

WikiSpooks Is An Open Licensed, Open Source Encyclopedia of Deep Politics
Wikispooks | 01 December 2016
Research people, events, groups and concepts not subject to…

Obama & Hillary’s Fund Raiser Arrested For Child Rape! Obama Flew Him On Air Force One!
Freedom Daily | 26 November 2016
Arrested for sexual abuse of the same…

15 Years Old Girl Survive Satanic Rituals Abuse

YouTube | 25 November 2016
Citizen investigation…

Hundreds of Children Missing in Virginia
SGT Report | 29 November 2016
Virginia is second only to…

Ohio Attack: Possible Terror Link Being Investigated, Say Police
BBC | 29 November 2016
Conflicting reports…

Ohio State Attack Copies ISIS Killing Style
Infowars | 28 November 2016
Gun free…

Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie And Anti-climate Engineering Cause
GEW | 26 November 2016

Human Trafficking: Complete Guide to Monica Petersen’s Mysterious Death in Haiti Last Week
Reddit | 22 November 2016
Focuses her research on Hillary…

Alien Invasion 2017 False Flag Full Disclosure Nibiru News Pole Shift Update
YouTube | 16 September 2016
Controlled by U.S. intelligence…eliminating persons deemed…