Wildcards – Week of 06.25.17

Joker in man Hand over table felt

Silicon Valley’s Doomsday: Prepping For An Economic Apocalypse [Divided America, Pt. 1] | AJ+ Docs

YouTube | 28 June 2017
Silicon Valley White Collar Prepping….

Jeff & John Lenard Walson – Staggering Spaceship Photos – Ours?

YouTube | 20 June 2017
Secret Space Program Exposed…

World Exclusive – Space Vehicles
Imaged By John Lenard Walson

Rense | 19 June 2017
Secret Space Program Pics…

Sex Gangs Free to Prey on British Girls

YouTube | 24 May 2017
Not in the MSM….

The Insurrection Against the President, or Who Really is George Soros Anyway?
Larouche | 22 May 2017
Soros Deep State Insurrection..