Wildcards – Week of 01.01.17

Joker in man Hand over table felt

Obama, Kissinger and Nuland: Coup d’état in Cyprus 1974 – Cyprus 2017
Global Research | 06 January 2017
Fearful weapon is his…

‘Clearest Photo of the Murderer’ Turkish Newspaper Blames OBAMA for Istanbul Attack
Express | 06 January 2017
When he…

Brace for the Oil, Food and Financial Crash of 2018
Medium | 05 January 2017

… Oh, By the Way, Boeing has a new EMP Weapon…
Giza Death Star | 06 January 2017
Deliberate take down…

Parabiosis and the “Elite”
Giza Death Star | 05 January 2017
Render humans…

Why are All of our Aircraft Carriers in Port?
I Patriot | 04 January 2017
For a reason…

U.S./UK Paid “White Helmets” Help Blocking Water To 5 Million Thirsty Syrians
Moon of Alabama | 03 January 2017
Part of a organized…

“Trump’s Job is to Prepare America for War” ~ William Engdahl


YouTube | 22 November 2016
Discussion with Joyce Riley on Power Hour…

Another Look at Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s Death
Jon Rappoport | 03 January 2017

Mystery as NATO Auditor General is found shot dead in suspicious circumstances
Express | 27 December 2016
Found at the scene…

Catholic Monastery Built as Penance Hides Ancient Iraqi Texts
New Historian | 21 December 2016
“Should they take”…

Massive ‘Anomaly’ Lurks Beneath Ice in Antarctica
NY Post | 29 December 2016

YouTube | 27 December 2016
Purpose of satellites…

Clintons Stealing Gold In Haiti?

YouTube | 07 December 2015
15% of Haiti’s territory is under license…