“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.” ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
By Brigitte Mouchet
Building resilience is key when living in uncertain times. Reflexology is an excellent tool to increase health and self-resilience. In this interview for the Wellness Series, we’ll hear from JoAnn Tennent, a gifted and experienced reflexologist from Aptos, CA.
Foot reflexology is more than a foot massage. It uses targeted pressure points to restore the flow of energy throughout the body. Other benefits include: cleansing the body of toxins; boosting the immune system; increasing circulation; and promoting healing.
We will discuss and demonstrate how you can adjust your respiratory system if you’re dealing with asthma, allergies, or sinus, lung, and bronchiole issues, and we’ll cover what to do if you have headaches or ear, teeth, or gum issues. We’ll also cover how to support your immune system and how to work on the vagus nerve to reduce stress and anxiety. Finally, we’ll touch on using the jets of a hot tub for effortless self-reflexology, as well as reviewing a simple general wellness routine that you can use daily.
For Let’s Go to the Movies, I recommend Reflexology Workshop, a video on foot reflexology, which provides additional background information on reflexology and demonstrates how to work on somebody else’s feet. This video features a foot reflexologist other than Tennent.
This is the last week of November, so there is no Money & Markets or Ask Catherine. Email questions for Ask Catherine in the first week of December or post at the Money & Markets commentary here.
Please join me this Thursday, November 25, for a practical and most useful discussion with JoAnn Tennent. And, as this is Thanksgiving week, let’s be grateful for our health and everything we can do to keep it strong!
Talk to you Thursday!
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You can stay in touch with JoAnn Tennent on Facebook and on her blog. Keep an eye out for her self-help videos in January 2022.