By Daphné von Boch
Standard vaccinations according to the recommendations of the Continuous Vaccination Commission in Germany (STIKO): Vaccination against rotavirus in the 6th week of life and in the 2nd and 3rd month of life. Vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenza and hepatitis B in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and between the 11th and 14th months of life and several times again later. Vaccination against measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (chickenpox) and meningococcus (serogroup C) once between the 11th and 14th months of life and several times again later. Therefore the baby receives already 36 doses of 13 different vaccines in the first 14 months of life. (Each vaccination must be given several times to be effective.) In addition, the cervical cancer (HPV) vaccination is recommended for girls at the age of 12 and is also repeated several times. Thus they receive altogether 63 doses of 14 different vaccines from birth to the age of 15. This standard recommendation is actually given routinely to 97% of the children in Germany, usually in the “U” appointments (early detection examinations for children). In addition, it is recommended that every adult as of the age of 60 should be vaccinated annually against influenza.1
The subject of vaccination causes much emotion. In a recent documentary2, parents are faced with the decision whether they should vaccinate their child. They say: “How should we decide that?” It cannot be done with complete certainty if you only consider the body, the visible part of the human being. But, nowadays the invisible part of the human being is often excluded. Half of the reality is missing because of this. Consequently you can no longer fully understand the visible half to make the right decisions. This article attempts to give an answer to this question by also considering the spiritual part of the human being.
But first a look at what is visible
What is it like if a child is not vaccinated? Would the child then be exposed to great dangers that it can either endure with difficulty or often only with irreversible damage? To gain insight into this question, one can take a look at the older generation, which has hardly been vaccinated.
The 60+ generation
Extensive vaccination against many diseases began around the years 1965 – 1970. Before this time, say between 1950 – 1965, vaccinations were only targeted at an epidemic (polio) or against a single disease (smallpox). This means that people who are today 55 to 60 years old and older were seldom vaccinated as children, if at all.
The diseases, which almost everyone went through at that time and which are vaccinated against today, are first of all childhood diseases: measles, rubella and also mumps and chickenpox (varicella). Lasting complications have not been experienced by the vast majority of people from that generation. Many of them also had whooping cough (pertussis). Certainly pneumococci or Haemophilus influenza bacteria were involved in some of the acute bronchitis they had. These too, were basically survived without any harm. Therefore, from observation of the older generation it can already be said that some of the diseases that are vaccinated against today are relatively harmless diseases in this part of the world.
No one from this generation has fallen ill with tetanus or diphtheria. But people of this generation have suffered from polio, and some of them have suffered permanent damage. That is why the extensive oral polio vaccination was very useful during the polio epidemic. But it is no longer meaningful today when polio is uncommon worldwide. These vaccinations against diseases that are almost non-existent in developed countries (tetanus, diphtheria, polio, rotavirus) are based on arguments similar to those of diphtheria. It is said that an infected person from a Third World country could meet a child living here and infect him or her. This is a weak argument. The patient would first have to meet the child. Then the patient would have to be in the infectious stage. Then the child itself would have to be very weak and the diphtheria patient would ultimately have to come very close to the child.
There is a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm that characterizes this way of thinking. It is called “Clever Elsie”. For Clever Elsie a man was sought, and this was a difficult undertaking because she saw “…the wind coming up in the street” and heard “…the flies coughing”. At last a man came from far away, but he would not have her unless she was really clever. During the visit Clever Elsie went down to the cellar to get a jug of beer. There, on the beer barrel, she saw a pickaxe, which the craftsman had forgotten, and she thought: “oh, if I would now marry this man and if we would have a child and when the child would be a bit older and if it should fetch a jug of beer, then the pickaxe would fall on its head and kill it, “…and then she screamed with all her might about the impending misfortune”, says the fairy tale. This is how the argument about vaccinations goes. But even if one were to travel to the countries where these diseases occur, they are extremely rare even there. If one does not think overanxiously like “Clever Elsie”, but realistically, it then becomes obvious that riding a bicycle in normal everyday traffic is much more dangerous for a child than getting sick with one of these diseases that do not exist here.
What about meningococcal-, tick-, hepatitis- and cervical cancer-vaccinations?
In case of meningococci, which are one of several bacteria which produce an inflammation of the meninges (the skin of the brain), it is as follows: this vaccine only protects against one of five different types of meningococcus. But this one, however, is not the most common type of meningococcus. The brain, which lies deep inside the head, is also very well protected, not only from the outside by solid bones, but also from the inside by the so-called “blood-brain barrier”. Even if bacteria and viruses were in the blood, thanks to this barrier, they could not easily reach the brain. To become ill, the body must be extremely weak, because only then does this barrier becomes porous. This danger exists, for example, in starving children. In such a case, the therapy would not consist of vaccination, but of feeding. This is where all financial efforts should go. Meningococci are not dangerous for children in a good state of health and nutrition.
Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine (TBE, vaccine for early summer meningococcal encephalitis) protects against only one of two diseases transmitted by ticks. It does not protect against the much more frequent Lyme disease. The vaccine only protects against TBE, an inflammation of the brain. This disease is very rare. In its more serious form, it tends to affect people over 40-50 years of age, but not so often children. Patients get neurological disorders that are mostly regressive and rarely causes lasting damage3. But it is rather doubtful whether the vaccine against this disease works at all. In 1995 for example, the Social Insurance Company of Austrian Farmers reported that between 1984 and 1995, despite an increase in the vaccination rate, there was no significant reduction in TBE cases. In contrast, the vaccine itself is not always harmless. For example, it can trigger an inflammatory relapse in the case of a pre-existing rheumatic disease. Since the TBE is really very rare and whether the vaccination is at all effective is not quite clear, and the vaccine itself not quite harmless, it is actually enough for hikers, even in endemic areas, to rub the skin of their arms and legs, for example, with lavandin oil (available in health food stores) or with another natural tick repellent oil mixture. Ticks literally avoid this ethereal scent “like the devil avoids holy water”.
Hepatitis B is not very contagious. Contact with the hepatitis patient must be more intimate, because the virus has very little resistance against environmental influences (dehydration, cooling, etc.). Therefore, for an infection to be spread by a needle, the needle must go immediately from one person to another. Otherwise it will quickly cease being infectious in the air. There is only a danger for the baby if the nursing mother herself has hepatitis B, because she could transmit the disease directly to the baby through the milk. However, this is an individual case and should therefore be treated individually. It is not logical to extensively vaccinate all babies who are not at risk from a disease that is not very contagious.
The cervical cancer vaccine (HPV vaccine against human papillomavirus) is the first ever vaccine against a cancer. The studies clearly show that it is a high-risk vaccine4. Further down in this article the healing effect of fever against cancer as an alternative to vaccination, is discussed. (See “The additional, not well-known, effect of fever”).
What is revealed by the experience that everyone can have
It is a problem today that people no longer trust what they experience themselves. In the past a person said, “I don’t see it, but I believe it anyway.” The attitude today is: “I see it, but I still don’t believe it.” That is today’s “progress”… But you can no longer judge anything if you no longer trust what you experience. And so, you are subject to authority to make your decision. But if one would look around and believe what is observed, namely that the 60+ generation has survived childhood and youth quite well with hardly any vaccination, this alone could make it easier to decide whether to vaccinate a child. The problem is that you not only have to observe, you must also understand what you observe. The understanding is missing today to trust what you yourself observe. This article is an attempt to make this understanding possible.
The media
The great influence of the media as a “pseudo-authority” makes the formation of judgements even more difficult. Their message is by no means suitable as a basis for judgement. This becomes obvious when, for example, one compares the reporting about vaccines with that about alcohol. Every year 74,000 people in Germany die as a result of alcohol consumption. Not only is the public poorly informed about this, but there is also abundant advertising for alcohol in the media. But if one child dies of measles, all the newspapers call for compulsory vaccination. This type of reporting is anything but objective.
Does illness have any meaning at all?
Conventional medicine answers this question indirectly, but unambiguously through their goals and deeds with “no”. Illness, like a machine, is regarded as a meaningless operational disturbance that must be avoided under all circumstances. Accordingly, all diseases, from childhood diseases to cancer, one by one, should be eradicated. This is the declared aim of the World Health Organization (WHO). Measles, for example, was to have been eradicated by 2010. Hence, vaccinations against all diseases are recommended, including those that are harmless or almost non-existent or not very contagious.
What could be the meaning of a disease?
How does the WHO define healing, which is the natural end of a disease? Healing is defined as a “Re-stitutio ad integrum”, meaning a restoration of health to the original condition. In case someone is suffering from pneumonia and is restored to the initial condition, what should actually happen?… One would have to become ill again! This would happen because in the beginning a weakness must have existed. Otherwise one would not have become ill. If one restores the initial condition of an illness, i.e. the original weakness, then one would have to become ill again. But what is healing in reality? Healing is the creation of a stronger state. So, what then is the meaning of disease?… A strengthening! The meaning of all diseases is to strengthen the human being! Even if not all illnesses heal physically, the meaning of disease is a strengthening – in this particular case, it strengthens on a soul level.
Here, however, lies the problem: every strengthening happens only through exercise, and every exercise can extend to an overexertion. Hence the fear of any disease is the fear of overexertion. But a life without any exercise also excludes any strengthening. This is self-evident in sports, for example. Without exercise there is no strengthening. In medicine, however, this is not accepted. Therefore the attempt is made to eradicate all diseases, including the harmless, rare or slightly contagious ones. Not being able to exercise only weakens a person even more.
What is the meaning of childhood diseases?
The body of each human being is built out of an individually formed protein. In this protein the human being is “in-carnated”. In Latin caro means “flesh”. To be incarnated thus means “to be in the flesh”. And this flesh consists of protein. So each human being is inside this completely individual protein. Just as our facial features are visibly completely individual on the outside, so our proteins are completely individual on the inside. There are more than seven billion people on earth – and just as many different body proteins. This can cause problems, for example, with blood transfusions from one person to another. The body recognizes the transfused blood as foreign protein and must destroy it. Although the different blood types and the many subtypes are always considered, an acute destruction of the transfused blood can anyway sometimes happen because the two proteins are never completely the same. A reaction occurs in which “the self” massively fights against “the non-self”, as it is referred to in medicine. But what is the self? It is interesting in our materialistic age that such a non-material term is used in medicine. That is why it is not defined in any medical dictionary and assumed to be self-evident. But the self, the “I”, is the spiritual part of the human being that completely builds up its own body, its protein, according to its own image. This image of the “I” is compiled according to wise karmic laws and goes through the “I” into the physical protein. Only in this way can the “I” live in the body in an individual way and do what corresponds to itself.
The Brothers Grimm also have a fairy tale about this: “The Three Army Surgeons”. Army surgeons were the surgeons of the time who went onto battlefields during a war to treat wounds. Three skilled field surgeons came to an inn to spend the night. The innkeeper wanted to put their skills to the test. To show him, one of them cut off a hand, the next pricked out his eyes and the third took out his heart, promising to bring everything back into their bodies the next morning. Unfortunately, these organs were lost overnight. They were taken away by a cat. The next morning the first unknowingly received the cut off hand of a thief, the second the eyes of the cat, and the third the heart of a pig. As they moved on, the one with the pig’s heart behaved like a pig: he had to root about in the rubbish with his nose. The others tried to hold him back, but to no avail. They went on and came in the evening to a new inn. There sat a man who was counting money. Suddenly the army surgeon with the thief’s hand was compelled to quickly and secretly take some of the money. When the comrades objected, he replied: “What can I do? My hand twitches, and I must snatch it whether I want to or not” (italics D.B.). And when night fell they went to sleep. Then the one with the cat’s eyes suddenly saw mice running through the completely dark room and woke up the other two. Now they realized that they had been cheated and returned to the first inn. They received a lot of money from the innkeeper for the fraud, “… but they would rather have had their own proper organs”, the fairy tale says.
This fairy tale gives a picture of what happens when a foreign protein gets into a person’s body: it can overwhelm the person, whether the person wants it or not. That is why an entire system, the immune system, is built so that no foreign protein can get into the body, or it will be destroyed if it gets in.
Each human being has his or her own individual protein. But at first, this individual protein has to be built up. The newborn does not yet have it at birth. From whom does the newborn have its physical protein at birth? It is from the mother, first and foremost. The father is undisputedly involved in the conception of the child. Without a father there would be no child. However, the male sperm cell is the smallest cell of the human body, which means that it has hardly any substance. But it is also the only cell in the entire human body that has its own movement. The male sperm cell is a concentration of strength, but with hardly any substance. The father contributes to the conception of the child through strength rather than substance. The mother’s egg cell is the largest cell of all, visible to the naked eye, as big as the head of a pin. And during pregnancy more maternal substance, including protein, is added through the blood into the developing body of the child. With this, the child begins to build up its body, mostly with the mother’s protein, which it initially uses as support.
The child is then born with maternal protein. Over the course of time, however, the child must first dissolve this protein and discard it. Then – and only then – can it build up its own protein. But how does it dissolve the maternal protein? How do you dissolve something at all? For example, how do you dissolve a cube of sugar?… With liquid and preferably with warm liquid. Liquid and heat dissolve.
And what are the childhood diseases? They are those diseases that are accompanied by high fever over 102.2° F (39° C), meaning with warmth; and with a rash. These are the two characteristics of all childhood diseases: fever and rash. Mumps and whooping cough are not childhood diseases in the strict sense of the word, even if they usually occur in childhood. Childhood diseases must have fever and rash: both are necessary to first dissolve the mother’s protein and then discard it. In the event of a high fever, the flesh indeed falls “off from the child”, as it is called in german, it is the maternal protein which falls off from the body of the child. It is the good spirits of mankind that have given the childhood diseases to humanity so that the child can dissolve the protein from the mother and excrete it. This is the meaning of all childhood diseases.
That is why these diseases are basically designed to bring about healing, and that is why they are harmless. People used to know this. The saying “it is only a childhood disease” expresses this harmlessness. They are not only harmless, they are healing. A healing disease is not a contradiction. In the time of childhood illnesses, mothers who could observe well, noticed that shortly before the onset the child became grumpy, nothing suited it, the child did not feel “comfortable in its own skin”. After a well-weathered childhood illness, with the shedding of part of the skin, it was again harmonious and content. One immediately saw the “healing” effect of the childhood disease. The foreign protein was gone, new individual protein could now be built up; and the child was again “one with itself”.
Correct treatment of childhood diseases and other acute illnesses
Rest is extremely important for the treatment of all acute illness, also for adults. Fever (already from 99.5° F or 37.5° C) indicates that bacteria and viruses have entered the blood from a local inflammation, for example, from the throat. This is dangerous because they could now spread to other organs, and this must be prevented at all costs. That is why the body now produces not only local warmth, but warmth throughout the body (fever). The patient must now rest physically and mentally. This means not only strict bed rest, but also no sensory stimuli (no TV, computer or smartphone; even the curtains should be closed). The patient should sleep or snooze. All external activities must stop so that no energy is used for the outer world and all the energy can go inwards to overcome the illness. This is the most important aspect in the treatment of any acute illness and must be implemented for three to four days, especially for childhood illnesses. An additional period of three to four days of convalescence (recovery) has to be done, during which time the child must remain in the house. After every strong physical exercise, and that is what childhood diseases and all other acute illnesses are, the body is exhausted and must recover. So, all in all, the rest has to be maintained for about a week. After this time, a new strength unfolds, and the child is literally “newly born”. In addition, the specific resistance to a particular childhood disease usually lasts a lifetime. When a human being as a child of five years old contracts measles, and then at the age of 90, that is 85 years later, encounters the measles virus once again, his body will immediately recognize and destroy it.
During the illness, the child should also be protected from the burden of food. No energy should be diverted to digestion. During this time the child is busy “digesting” the maternal protein, and therefore it is usually without appetite. This means that the child should receive only steamed vegetables (e.g. carrots, potatoes) with a little salt and butter (added later) and cooked fruit (e.g. apples). Warm herbal tea made from linden blossoms should be at the bedside when the fever is above 102.2° F (39° C), otherwise peppermint or chamomile. The child only needs to drink when thirsty.
The medicine Erysidoron 1 from Weleda can be used to support the sick person (for childhood diseases and all acute illnesses). It should be taken every hour for the first three days when the patient is awake (do not wake them up for this). After that it is sufficient at five times a day. Children under the age of five should get 5 drops, children over the age of five and adults 10 drops. It is very important not to lower the fever with antipyretics. Also, no pain killers should be given against headaches, for example (such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Novalgin, aspirin, etc.), as most pain killers also lower the fever automatically. It is possible to apply calf compresses if the fever rises above 104° F (40°C) in order to reduce the temperature slightly. This does not force the fever down to 98.6° F (37°C) like an antipyretic, which is the advantage of calf compresses.
Not with a rising fever, but if the fever remains below 102.2° F (39° C), one can make a hot water bath. Before going to bed, the patient climbs into a pleasantly warm bath and, within five minutes, the water temperature is increased to an almost unbearable warmth. The child lies in this hot water for 10 minutes, adults for 15 minutes (keep the hot water running so the temperature remains high). Then the patient is dried and returned to bed with a hot-water bottle. This will cause the fever to rise above 102.2 (39° C), which is the goal for children and adults who are principally healthy.
On the third day, a mustard chest compress can be made if the bronchial tubes are affected and the patient coughs. To do this, place spicy mustard (not sweet mustard) on the chest as thick as a finger and as wide as an open hand. Place a cloth on top and a hot-water bottle over everything. After 10 minutes for the child and 20 minutes for the adult, remove it all. A reddening of the skin is not only normal but is desired. It brings blood and warmth to the vicinity of the lungs to liquify the mucus so it can be coughed up.
Are fever cramps dangerous?
While the fever is rising, although the body temperature is already higher than normal, the patient has the sensation of being cold. The patient feels that their body temperature should be higher than it is. That is why the adult gets a shivering fit. The child is more sensitive than the adult and can, although rarely, get a stronger shivering fit, a fever cramp (febrile convulsion).
In a real fever cramp, the child loses consciousness and cramps or twitches over the whole body, typically for less than five minutes. The cramp stops immediately when the fever has reached the right level. With a real fever cramp the twitching affects the whole body and is short-lived, usually less than 5 minutes. A real fever cramp is very stressful for the parents, but harmless for the child. This was known in the past and no doctor was called because of a fever cramp. You can nonetheless give the child a Fever and Teething suppository (Weleda) in case of a fever cramp. If the cramp only affects part of the body or lasts longer than 15 minutes, it is no longer a normal fever cramp and must be medically examined to find the cause.
The important and irreplaceable purpose of fever
Fever is not only harmless, it is irreplaceable, especially for children. Warmth, here as fever, dissolves. The maternal protein, which was the child’s support in the beginning, must now be dissolved and for that the body uses fever.
If fever is not possible because the child can no longer get childhood diseases due to vaccination or because antipyretic drugs have been given, a small part of the mother’s protein is nonetheless destroyed and excreted through normal breathing. Already the breathing in of oxygen, which causes a slight combustion in each cell, destroys some protein over time. Because of this, for example the newborn loses some weight for the first five days after birth. But this slight degradation through respiration is not sufficient to destroy all the maternal protein. It needs the high fever of childhood diseases and other high fever diseases (above 102.2° F or 39° C), which children should get plenty of.
But what happens to the foreign maternal protein that is not degraded? Could it be that it has a role in causing autoimmune diseases?
Autoimmune diseases have existed for about 40 years, since the time when vaccination of most of the population had its effect. The numbers are increasing. They are explained by the medical profession as a defect in the immune system which prevents it from perceiving its own protein as “its own”. It must then destroy this protein like a foreign protein. This can affect the protein of an organ, such as the liver or pancreas. Could it be, however, that the immune system is not sick, but that in fact foreign (maternal) protein has remained in these organs, which the immune system has to fight against? Could it be that these so-called autoimmune diseases are not “auto” immune diseases, but “mother” immune diseases? This question must remain open, but should be considered.
In the case of fever, every human being is “cooked through and through”, not just children. Protein is broken down, which is very important. The degraded protein can be then seen in the urine: it is cloudy because the residues of the protein are excreted in it. In childhood diseases the degraded protein can be additionally excreted through the skin.
The microbiologist André Lwoff showed through his research two further functions of fever. With a high fever, bacteria and viruses, which also consist of protein and are therefore heat-sensitive, can no longer live or reproduce. In other words, fever itself prevents bacteria and viruses from thriving. In addition, Lwoff showed that fever is the starting signal, the red alert for the entire immune system. For example, the white blood cells, alarmed by the fever, enter the bloodstream and are activated. Lwoff even received the Nobel Prize for these results in 1965. He said in his speech that he hoped it would not take more than 10 years for these results to be put into practice. Unfortunately, more than 50 years have already passed since then, but these conclusions have not yet been put into practice. Fever is still today routinely being lowered.
Why the fear of fever?
This is a remnant from the time of the great epidemics. The plague, cholera, typhoid fever and others were all accompanied by high fever. However, it is important to know that people did not die of the fever itself, but of the underlying disease. The fever was an attempt to cure it. In other words, people did not die of fever, but despite fever.
Fever itself is not fatal. This must be known. The problem with fever is the heart. With an increase of about two degrees Fahrenheit, for example from 98.6° F to 100.4° F (37° C to 38° C), the heart beats 10 times more per minute (so from a normal frequency of 70 the heartbeat increases to a frequency of 80 beats per minute). This means that with a fever of 104° F (40° C), the heart will beat 100 times per minute. The heart can become tired after beating for several days at such a high rate.
This is not a problem for children. They have a young heart that can take this exertion with ease, provided, of course, that they were born with a normal healthy heart. It is more difficult for older people. With age, all organs usually become weaker, not only the eyes and ears, but also the heart. If an elderly person (over 70 years old) with a healthy heart gets a high fever that is over 102.2° F (39° C), it is still not a reason to give an antipyretic, but the heart should be supported. One can support the heart with Camphora D1 from Weleda by giving 10 drops every half hour. If after three to four days the fever is still above 102.2° F (39° C), one should cleanse the bowel. For example, one can dissolve two teaspoons of magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts) in half a glass of water. After the diarrhea, the bowel is freed from the half degraded poisoning proteins and the fever declines. In all other basically healthy adults (under 70 years of age) there is no reason to lower the fever. On the contrary, it only causes damage (see below: “Additional, unknown effects of fever”).
Why are there complications from childhood diseases?
Those who have followed the train of thought up to this point will understand that childhood diseases are designed by the good powers in such a way that the child can overcome them without complications, without lasting damage, and then emerges stronger from them.
Complications can nevertheless occur in the following cases:
1. When children themselves are weak. This is the case with any kind of chronic hunger, which is common in poor countries and in war. Then the child no longer has the strength to overcome the disease. What is then the real therapy? As was said before, not vaccination, but feeding.
2. When children do not keep to the necessary rest (complete bed rest). Energy that is necessary for overcoming the illness is diverted from the body towards the outside.
3. When children do not get enough fever. This happens in any case with the administration of antipyretics.
A Dutch doctor had this exact experience in Africa. The children who despite the use of antipyretics had a high fever and a strong rash, seldom had complications. At first, he was shocked because that meant his measures had caused the complications. Then he discontinued the therapy, including the antipyretics. The complications decreased so much that he described these crucial results in an article he sent to several medical journals in Holland. The article was repeatedly rejected. “It does not correspond with today’s way of thinking” was the gist of the responses from one of the journals. It would be more appropriate to change the way of thinking to make it correspond to reality. Eventually the article was published in a conventional medical journal for tropical diseases, but without any effect for the daily practice.5
Additional, unknown effects of fever
Heat dissolves. This effect extends not only to the foreign maternal protein in the child, not only to bacteria and viruses, but also to foreign protein that grows in the body itself. And this is cancer.
The curative effect of fever against cancer has been known since the end of the 19th century. This insight originates in the observation that people who have repeatedly had illnesses with high fever during their lives, such as childhood illnesses, pneumonia, etc., and who have also had many local inflammations such as allergies, abscesses, nail bed inflammations, etc., have contracted cancer much less frequently. It has also been observed that cases of the “spontaneous” healing of cancer mostly occurred after diseases associated with high fever, for example malaria or erysipelas. It was then used successfully (!) to heal cancer with fever by artificially infecting the cancer patient with these fever illnesses. A remainder of this heat therapy is still used today in the hyperthermia treatment of cancer, although in this case external heat is given to the patient. Naturally the self-produced warmth of fever is much more effective.
Still another protein is also dissolved by fever, and that is the protein that could otherwise be deposited in the blood vessels. Fever is a good prevention against all vascular constrictions caused by deposits in the vessels of different organs which can then produce different diseases like dementia, myocardial infarction, etc.
What is the meaning of the flu?
The young child needs childhood diseases to eliminate its mother’s protein before it can build its own. It takes about 21 years for a person to build up its own protein. Within 20 – 21 years the individual body is ready and can become an instrument to realize the individual’s life task.
Perhaps it is no coincidence that many “auto” immune diseases start during this time, when the immune system cannot tolerate maternal foreign protein any longer.
But human beings should also develop spiritually in the course of their lives. A 70-year-old person should be different than he or she was at 20. The physical protein must adapt to these soul and spiritual changes, to this inner maturation, and that is what the flu is for. Flu or acute bronchitis is accompanied by more or less fever. Although there is no rash, there is enough heat to dissolve and excrete enough of the old protein. After this, new protein can be built up, which is now adapted to the new state of the “I” development. Should one examine the individual protein of a healthy person, it would be even possible to observe these changes in the protein during the course of its life. Flu occurring from time to time is responsible for these changes over the course of life. Influenza has the same function for adults as childhood diseases have for children. If this were not to happen, the adult would retain a protein that would no longer be suitable for him or her. In a certain sense the individual would mummify. The protein in a mummy is preserved, it does not change anymore. The spiritual core, the “I”, could no longer develop properly in this preserved body. In this case there would be the danger that a person would do or not do things that would no longer correspond with its individuality, such as with the three army surgeons in the fairy tale who received organs from foreign sources. Such a person would remain in the past, with protein that is no longer suitable for him or her. Thus flu with fever, from two a year to one flu every three years, is important for the “cooking through” of the whole person. Going properly through a flu brings about a real rejuvenation, an excretion of the old protein and then a new adaptation to the self.
That is why the flu must not be treated with antipyretics or painkillers (for headaches for example), but from 99.5° F (37.5° C) and above with strict bedrest for three to five days, hot water baths, etc. as for all acute diseases (see above: “Correct treatment of childhood diseases and other acute illnesses”). However, the adult should take Salviathymol (from the German company Madaus) instead of Erysidoron 1 (swallow 5 drops an hour for the first two days so that the reddened painful throat comes into direct contact with it, and from the third day on 5 times daily).
What to do when in general you do not get fever?
Today many people seldom get a fever. This constitutional weakness changes when you repeatedly increase your body temperature naturally through movement. That is why walking (not jogging) counteracts this tendency: for example, by walking 30 to 45 minutes a day or hiking 5 to 6 hours one day a week, preferably uphill. Walking not only warms the body, but also the soul, which jogging does not do. While walking, you can actually see beautiful things, even if on the wayside. Heat production can be additionally supported by Ferrum phosphoricum D6 (Weleda), one tablet in the morning during the winter months. If fever occurs, one should not take antipyretics or pain killers, but on the contrary, a hot water bath should be made if the fever remains below 102.2° F (39° C). Also, in everyday life, one should not take painkillers with headache, backache, menstrual pain etc., because they lower the normal temperature. Instead, treat these conditions with natural remedies or anthroposophical medicines. You can find advices, for example, in the book “Home Remedies” by Otto Wolff. And one should allow children to get the childhood diseases and all fever illnesses that children will get time and again, without using antipyretics or painkillers.
Are vaccines themselves harmless?
Vaccines are presented as one of the greatest successes of modern medicine. The experts know that this is not the case. Deaths from measles and whooping cough, for example, decreased significantly long before the introduction of vaccines, as the following two figures show6.
These graphs and many studies with the same results have all been carried out by the authorities themselves. The facts are known. Nevertheless, they are presented differently. Smallpox itself has disappeared not only because of its vaccine, but in part because of improvement in general hygiene and in part because each epidemic has its own autonomous course. This course is always self-limiting; it comes to a natural end. For instance, the plagues of the Middle Ages disappeared without the use of vaccines. Nevertheless, modern medicine presents smallpox as a disease that has been eradicated only by vaccines. But the effects of introducing vaccines in medicine has not been as decisive for health as it is said to be, at least not in a positive sense. The exception is the oral polio vaccine, which was a real help.
On the other hand, vaccines themselves are not as harmless as they are presented. The vaccine against smallpox was not harmless. Since then extensive literature describes the damage caused by this vaccine7. The result of the many studies that have been carried out says that one child out of 4000 vaccinated children got brain damage. This calculation does not even include the relatively high number of deaths produced through the smallpox vaccination. Even today vaccines are not completely safe. In the USA, for example, from 2004 to 2014, the death of 96 children after a measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccination were reported, compared to 7 deaths from measles during the same time (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). There is seldom but clear evidence of sudden appearance of autism occurring shortly after administration of this MMR vaccine to children who previously had a normal development8. This obvious connection between the measles/mumps/rubella vaccination and autism is not recognized by the medical profession – regardless of the short time period of a few hours to two weeks between vaccination and the onset of the condition.
Everyone can also look in their own vicinity and here and there hear of children or adults who were healthy until they received a vaccine, but no longer so afterward. They get chronic fatigue, muscle pain, epileptic seizures and various other impairments, and many of these symptoms are irreversible. It is rare to have something like this happen, but it is at least frequent enough that one knows directly or indirectly about an affected person.
Furthermore, a real problem is that of the “minor” brain damage a vaccination can produce, which is not taken into account at all. The “developmental falling back”, the objective loss of already acquired skills shortly after vaccination, indicates slight brain damage. This is admittedly difficult for untrained parents to detect, especially in babies. This loss goes unnoticed by statistical analysis. The consequences of such damage is a small intelligence reduction, with difficulty in future learning. And these damages must inevitably be called “permanent” because the nervous system cannot completely regenerate.
Vaccination is more dangerous for babies than for adults. Babies in their first year of life are still slowly incarnating and they do not yet have a properly developed immune system. Their bodies are not yet able to accurately recognize foreign proteins. This means that one can inject them with foreign protein with less danger of a life-threatening reaction against the foreign protein, because their body cannot yet recognize it as foreign. For this reason, babies are vaccinated sadly enough particulary often. No account is taken of what could happen in the long term with the unrecognized foreign proteins that have been inoculated in the body. After all, these foreign proteins from the vaccine are more or less destroyed “pathogens“; they cause diseases. If even adults with a fully developed immune system can get complications from the vaccinations, what about babies? Also, in this first year of life, the blood-brain barrier of the baby is still immature and therefore more permeable. In addition, during this time the brain is completing its growth. What influence could these partially destroyed foreign proteins of disease producing microorganisms have on a poorly protected, strongly growing brain?
The above-mentioned documentary film2 reports about a combination vaccination which was given before 2005. It contained six very common vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenza. But some babies died up to two weeks after vaccination. The corpses were examined and it turned out that the brains of the babies were harder than those of normal babies. This information was officially unmistakably suppressed. For this reason, there is still no clarification about the cause of the hardening of the brains. In the end, the combination vaccination disappeared from the market, but with a false claim (“insufficient long-term effect”).
Could it be possible that some or all of these six vaccines have a slight tendency to damage the brain towards a hardening? This tendency, when the vaccines are given in combination, would be amplified in such a way that the symptom would only then reveal itself. This is precisely what has not been investigated in animal experiments. (The very young animals would not be tortured, only vaccinated, which happens today to almost every baby, and two weeks later slaughtered – which happens to many animals to be eaten – but now to be able to examine their brains.) Could it be that some vaccinations cause a hardening of the brain, especially in babies? Those affected in this way would then not be as badly damaged as those with minor brain damage, which has the effect of weakening intelligence. But they would still have a weakness: Rudolf Steiner spoke in 1917, a little over 100 years ago, that in the not too distant future a vaccine would be found that affects humans so they can no longer think about soul and spirit. Man would only be able to think about the body and the physical world (see endnote 9). Could this be the case here? By that slight hardening of the brain? He repeats this seven years later: “… Man can not elevate himself out of a certain materialistic feeling… And that is actually the alarming thing about the smallpox vaccine10.”
This would go in the same direction as vitamin D, which today is mistakenly advertised as a panacea and therefore frequently taken11.
In 1919 Rudolf Steiner wrote in a letter to Eliza von Moltke what such a hardening of the brain looks like. He writes about the reaction to a lecture he had given. This lecture dealt with the most urgent problem also of our time: worldwide social coexistence. Rudolf Steiner experienced the difficulties people had in grasping new thoughts. “And this lack of `ability to understand’ among the people: they simply don’t hear the important thing that I want to say. It is as if they were only capable of understanding things in phrases that they have been accustomed to hear for 30 years, down to the structure of the sentence. Hardened brains (italics D.B.), paralyzed etheric body, empty astral body, completely dull “I”. This is the signature of the people of the present12.” The consequence of the hardening of the brains described here by Rudolf Steiner is really comprehensible for everyone. It consists in no longer being able to understand something new, for example, no longer being able to understand how to solve the most important problems of our time. This is not only tragic for these people alone, but if it affects a sufficiently large number of people, it is tragic for the whole development of humanity. Then there is no more development, only decline. Is this tendency, which was already there 100 years ago, reinforced by the vaccines?
Back to the beginning: is vaccination meaningful?
We consider as undesirable the goal set by the WHO of eradicating all diseases through vaccination – especially harmless or almost nonexistent or not very contagious diseases. The fact that humanity is no longer allowed to become ill makes it become weaker and weaker and therefore always sicker. Today we are amid this decline in health. This is reflected for example in the annual increase in health insurance premiums. These are rising in part because people are becoming increasingly ill. What is medicine’s answer to this problem? To vaccinate the whole of humanity… to protect people who are already ill because of deterioration when they would encounter a disease. But what would happen then? All of humanity would become ill. This cannot be the solution. The healthy people should not be weakened, but the ill people must be strengthened.
So, if you weigh the benefits of vaccination against its risks, you see that the benefits are not very great. The diseases that vaccinations protect against are either obviously beneficial (the childhood diseases measles, rubella, chickenpox; and influenza) or harmless (mumps, whooping cough, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenza). Or the diseases are not harmless, but rare and only slightly contagious (meningococcus, tick disease-TBE), or they are not so rare, but only slightly contagious (hepatitis B), or extremely rare (diphtheria, tetanus, polio, rotavirus), or the vaccine itself is dangerous (cervical cancer vaccine).
It is like the fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans-Christian Andersen. Two swindlers take a lot of money from the emperor to make him a “fine gown”. But they tell the emperor that it is so “fine” that people who are unforgivably stupid cannot see it. The swindlers then only pretend to make clothes, although in reality they are only working in the air. Since the emperor and his ministers do not want to be considered stupid, they pretend to see the clothes. Vaccination is presented as one of the greatest successes of medicine. It is officially known that this is not the case (see the graphs). It costs the health insurance companies big money, because it is the goal that all of humankind be vaccinated. But the protection it provides is against diseases that are not really dangerous for one reason or another.
If one considers the risks of vaccinations, they are not so low when one also considers those risks that are not taken into account by the medical profession.
On the one hand, there are direct damages caused by the vaccines themselves. They usually occur soon after vaccination in children and adults who until then were healthy. These include the gross, obvious damages, which are usually not acknowledged by the medical profession: autism, chronic fatigue, etc. It is also necessary to “include” the minor brain damage that occurs often unnoticed by the parents. The open question that arises in the case of babies who have died with hardened brains must also be considered: whether some vaccines cause a brain-hardening effect, particularly in babies.
On the other hand, one has to consider the indirect damages of the long-term effects of vaccinations. These include the consequences of a lack of fever and its protein-dissolving effect. The child cannot completely break down the maternal protein without fever. The question arises as to possible consequences (autoimmune diseases?) The lack of fever increases the tendency to cancer, dementia and other hardening and deposition diseases. The prevention of influenza also prevents the regular renewal of a part of the body’s protein with all its consequences. Last but not least, the general physical weakening of mankind is in part caused because people are prevented from going through diseases with fever. “Thus the disease is the condition of health” says Rudolf Steiner. “This is precisely the result and gift of disease, since strength must be acquired by man. If we want strength and health, then we must accept its precondition, the illness13.”
All these facts show that the question of whether vaccination makes sense in the first place, if we weigh the benefits of it against its risks, must be answered in the negative. Of course, this applies only to children and adults in good health and in good nutritional condition. When a person is ill, then this must be decided individually.
An exception would be the occurrence of a genuine epidemic with a high risk of infection and the danger of severe, permanent consequences (such as polio at the time). But when such an epidemic would be there, it would be important to identify and treat the weaknesses of the people that made the epidemic possible. This is the case, for example, with malnutrition in poor countries. There feeding should be the first priority instead of vaccination. Also, an important factor of the infectiousness in the polio epidemic at that time, for example, was the consumption of sugar with subsequent hypoglycemia, which led to the corresponding weakness. With a complete and immediate sugar-free restriction, children successfully and without vaccination no longer contracted polio14.
A final word on health
Health is not mainly a given, an innate condition. A great many things lie in the hands of each individual. Since it is important to have enough strength to overcome the illness when one becomes ill, only the most important “pillars” of health are mentioned here.
Walking has already been mentioned. But it is also very important to sleep 8 to 9 hours a day. Any smoking undermines health – especially the health of the developing child in pregnant women and nursing mothers. But breast-feeding itself is extremely important for the baby.
As far as nutrition is concerned, it is well known that the consumption of alcohol leads not only to a physical but also to a mental decline. The effect of sugar is generally less well known. This is much more serious than the consequences of meat consumption, for example. Sugar and anything that contains sugar, including honey (except one teaspoon a day), but also agave syrup, maple syrup, etc., should be reduced to once or twice a week. Even the natural sweetener stevia should be reduced to an absolute minimum. The food should be taken as it naturally tastes: unsweetened. (Further information on this subject can be found in the book “What Are We Really Eating?” by Otto Wolff.)
Unfortunately, health care today also includes protecting oneself from the radiation present everywhere (Wi-Fi, mobile phones, etc.). These radiations should be reduced wherever possible by the use of cable connections.
Not protection, but strengthening
We have seen that the medical approach to the eradication of all diseases by vaccination, among other things, is not right. Without disease there is no strengthening and no health. The question should not be: “How do we eradicate disease from our lives”, but: “How can we prepare people for the disease and accompany them in such a way that they emerge stronger from it?”
May the considerations in this article be comprehensible to the reader and be of help in deciding whether or not to vaccinate.
1Gesenhues, Stefan, “Praxisleitfaden Allgemeinmedizin”, Elsevier, Munich, 2017, p. 467: Standard vaccinations according to the recommendations of the Continuous Vaccination Commission in Germany (STIKO): Vaccination against rotavirus in the 6th week of life and in the 2nd and 3rd month of life. Vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenza and hepatitis B in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and between the 11th and 14th months of life and several times again later. Vaccination against measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (chickenpox) and meningococcus (serogroup C) once between the 11th and 14th months of life and several times again later. Therefore the baby receives already 36 doses of 13 different vaccines in the first 14 months of life. (Each vaccination must be given several times to be effective.) In addition, the cervical cancer (HPV) vaccination is recommended for girls at the age of 12 and is also repeated several times. Thus they receive altogether 63 doses of 14 different vaccines from birth to the age of 15. This standard recommendation is actually given routinely to 97% of the children in Germany, usually in the “U” appointments (early detection examinations for children). In addition, it is recommended that every adult as of the age of 60 should be vaccinated annually against influenza.
2Sieveking, David, “Family Shots” (original title: “Eingeimpft”), documentary, 2017, distributed by Journeyman: https://www.journeyman.tv/film/7359/family-shots. Also, see the German language book: “Eingeimpft” (not translated), Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2018.
3Gesenhues, Stefan / Ziesché, Rainer, “Praxisleitfaden Allgemeinmedizin”, Urban & Fischer, Munich/Jena, 2007, p.526.
4Martinez-Lavin, M. / Amezuca Guerra, L., “Serious adverse events after HPV vaccination: a critical review of randomized trials and post-marketing case series”, Clin. Rheumatol.
5Witsenburg, Bob C., “Measles Mortality and Therapy”, Medicus tropicus, Sept. 1975, Holland, and “Der Merkurstab”, Society of Anthroposophical Physicians of Germany, 3/1992.
6Husemann, Friedrich / Wolff, Otto, “The Anthroposophic Approach to Medicine”, Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, 2003 , Vol. 3, pg. 30/33.
7Smallpox vaccine. Ibid., pg. 56-57.
8Wakefield, Andrew, “Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe”, Documentary, 2016. https://vaxxedthemovie.com/
9Steiner, Rudolf, “Fall of the Spirits of Darkness”, Dornach, 7 October 1917, GA 177, p. 97ff : “And a time will come, perhaps not in such a distant future … people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. …people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as the baby is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.”
10Steiner, Rudolf, “Physiologisch–Therapeutisches auf Grundlage der Geisteswissenschaft”, 22 April 1924, GA 314, Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, 2010, pg. 312.
11Von Boch, Daphné, “The Dangers of Vitamin D Treatment”, in: “The Present Age”, Vol. 4 / No. 07, October 2018, Basel, pg. 13-16. Search online for the title at https://www.perseus.ch/
12Meyer, Thomas (editor), “Light for the New Millennium, Letters, Documents and After-Death Communications”, Letter from Rudolf Steiner to Eliza von Moltke, Stuttgart, 28 May 1919, document number 66, Rudolf Steiner Press, London, p. 251.
13Quoted by Wolff, Otto, in Das Rätsel der Allergie, Verein für anthroposophisches Heilwesen e.V. Bad Liebenzell, 1988, p. 35.
14Sandler, named in: Husemann, Friedrich / Wolff, Otto, “The Anthroposophic Approach to Medicine”, Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY, 2003 , Vol. 3, p. 148.
Related Solari Report:
Special Solari Report: Dr. Daphne von Boch – Unpacking the Facts on Vaccines