UK Medical Freedom Alliance Open Letter to Dr Kamran Abbasi, BMJ Editor in Chief, re Published Article Smearing UKMFA

by: Dr. Elizabeth Evans

I have no doubt that you are aware of the appalling article, published in the BMJ on 22 November, “Understanding and neutralising covid-19 misinformation and disinformation” 

This article contains insinuations and unsubstantiated and unreferenced allegations concerning our organisation and others – including Children’s Health Defense, HART and UsForThem – and which appeared to seek to undermine our contribution to a critical debate of national importance.  

We were disappointed not to have been offered the customary “right to reply” by the BMJ before the article was published, and have, therefore, been compelled to write an Open Letter of Complaint to Dr Kamran Abbasi, the Editor in Chief of the BMJ, to be published as our rebuttal to the article, in which we comment that it is regrettable that the approach of the authors borders on the defamatory, is manifestly unscientific, and falls short of the editorial standards that the BMJ professes to uphold.  In our letter we request an immediate retraction of this article and a published apology.  

UKMFA Open Letter to Dr Kamran Abbasi, BMJ Editor in Chief, re Published Article Smearing UKMFA