“The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes”
~ William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice
By Catherine Austin Fitts
The first thing I notice each time I arrive in Hong Kong is the rich green of the mountains rising out of the sea. I think of them as the “jade mountains” although that is not their name, because the colors are so like the colors of the beautiful green jade sculptures that fill the windows of the antique stores that line the city streets.
Hong Kong has 261 islands, including the most famous, Hong Kong Island that rises to Victoria Peak, or “the Peak” as everyone calls its.
One of the newest star attractions in Hong Kong is the Tze Shan Monastery which was completed in 2015. It is not on Hong Kong Island, but in Tung Tsz in the Tai Po District in the New Territories. It is up the slope of one of those beautiful jade mountains rising out of the sea – and looks out across the waters at many more.
A 76 meter statue of Guanyin towers over the Monastery. From Wikipedia:
Guanyin or Guan Yin is an East Asian bodhisattva associated with compassion as venerated by Mahayana Buddhists. She is commonly known as the “Goddess of Mercy” in English. The Chinese name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, meaning “[The One Who] Perceives the Sounds of the World.”
Some Buddhists believe that when one of their adherents departs from this world, they are placed by Guanyin in the heart of a lotus, and then sent to the western Pure Land of Sukhavati. Guanyin is often referred to as the “most widely beloved Buddhist Divinity” with miraculous powers to assist all those who pray to her…
Another wonderful Solari Report Subscriber got us tickets to visit the Monastery on Monday – to sit beneath the statue of Guanyin in the gentle rain as the clouds drifted across the jade green mountains and contemplate the Mandate of Heaven and the quality of mercy.
To Make an Appointment