“A step‐op is one in which the bad guys keep going, one intrusion after another. It isn’t just West Nile, it’s West Nile, then SARS, then Bird Flu, then Swine Flu. It”s all one package, with the idea, in this case, that they’ll slowly wear down the resistance and people will buy in, will buy the story, the lie. They want to people to OBEY. That’s the whole essence of this op. OBEY. It isn’t only about fake epidemics and getting vaccines. It’s about operant training in OBEYING. Get it? In general. Obey us. We command, you go along.” ~ Ellis Medavoy in interview with Jon Rappoport, from The Matrix Revealed
Jon Rappoport has been covering the allegations and events regarding the coronavirus and Covid-19 since they first hit the headlines. Check out his columns at his website NoMoreFakeNews.com.
Jon just recorded three episodes that he wanted to make available to the public.Here they are!
The Creation of a False Epidemic with Jon Rappoport – Parts I – III
Jon has been busting lies of the medical cartel for many decades and has built very significant evidence regarding the use of medical phenomena to engineer control and a fundamental change in our governance system and to centralize wealth.
Creation of a False Epidemic – Part IV – The Worm Turns with Jon Rappoport
The Creation of a False Epidemic – Part V – We are NOT in It Together! with Jon Rappoport