In Let's Go to the Movies, I will review VAXXED II—the sequel to VAXXED. After flying from city to city for VAXXED screenings, producer Polly Tommey bought the team a bus. Polly and the team traveled across the U.S., filming thousands of doctors, parents, and children telling their stories of vaccine injury, chronic disease, and death. Overwhelmed by the harm and intimate destruction—well beyond what even the VAXXED team had initially realized—they decided to film parents of vaccine-free children, including families with a vaccine-injured eldest child whose death, disabilities, or trauma had inspired the family to successfully protect their younger children. Given the estimated U.S. childhood chronic disease rate of at least 54%—and rising—it is inspiring to see so many healthy children.
Even those of us who understand the extraordinary damage resulting from vaccines will be amazed at the extent to which the U.S. media and government have been able to bully people and organizations and cover up what is really happening. This is an astonishing documentary not just about vaccines and health but about the tragic human cost of not turning off the corporate media and seeking legitimate sources of intelligence. Please do not miss it!
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