The Kemp Tapes

In the late 1990’s Catherine’s attorneys asked her to record her recollections of working in the Bush Administration. She recorded six 90 minutes cassettes that over time passed around the Internet. For those who have never managed significant assets and programs inside of a Washington agency, they are quite instructive. Here are links to the first five.

Catherine’s “Kemp Tapes”

Listen to Kemp Tape #1

     Kemp Tape #1

Download Kemp Tape #1

     Kemp Tape #1

Listen to Kemp Tape #2

     Kemp Tape #2

Download Kemp Tape #2

     Kemp Tape #2

Listen to Kemp Tape #3

     Kemp Tape #3

Download Kemp Tape #3

     Kemp Tape #3

Listen to Kemp Tape #4

     Kemp Tape #4

Download Kemp Tape #4

     Kemp Tape #4

Listen to Kemp Tape #5

     Kemp Tape #5

Download Kemp Tape #5

     Kemp Tape #5