“I was so impressed that Catherine didn’t give into the Trump hopium but warned of the plot underway to manufacture consent for digital IDs regarding elections and the border.”
~ Solari subscriber
“Hopium: Irrational or unwarranted optimism.”
~ Slang expression merging “hope” and “opium”
By Catherine Austin Fitts
At Solari, our focus is on working to protect financial transaction freedom and expose the central bankers’ dangerous agenda of complete financial transaction control. Digital IDs—which, in combination with other digital systems, can “be used to monitor our whereabouts, limit our freedom of movement and control our access to money, goods and services”—are a linchpin of the control agenda, and one that the bankers and their technocratic allies are eager to bring to fruition.
Unfortunately, the U.S. presidential race is providing ample opportunities to mask the digital ID threat or, even worse, promote the idea that digital IDs are a solution. At this juncture, we wish to once again remind our audience how important it is to pay attention to what political candidates do and who they support—rather than just what they say.
If a candidate states that they are opposed to central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and financial transaction control but gives a “get out of jail free” card to the entities that are building the control grid, their rhetoric about financial freedom has little meaning.

The topics that candidates do not talk about also provide clues about who they support. For example, no candidate is discussing:
- The missing money ($21 trillion and counting) and how to get it back
- The fact that the U.S. government can keep secret books and finance secret armies thanks to a federal accounting standard (FASAB 56) passed with bipartisan and Trump Administration support in 2018
- The Gaza genocide and the horrific targeting of children, establishing force in violation of international law as a precedent to institute central control anywhere in the world
At the moment, a clever effort is underway to persuade conservatives, in particular, that digital IDs are a solution for two issues that conservatives care about—secure borders and secure elections—which are two of the Republican Party platform’s “core promises.” Independent media personality Shannon Joy argues that Trump “has been chosen as the best pitch man to Republicans and conservatives on all the things that they despise, like central banking digital currency, the digital ID, and biosurveillance techno-fascist statism,” and she suggests that conservatives can be led to embrace the police state if it is “repackaged” and “renamed” in the context of an emergency such as a border emergency.
The Democratic party’s record is arguably worse—if such a thing is possible. The Biden Administration’s record of promoting financial sanctions and financial transaction controls and compromising related Constitutional protections, including the First and Second Amendments, speaks for itself.
We cannot permit a digital ID, and that means stopping all the sneaky avenues being used to justify such a system—from promoting the Real ID for travel or vaccine passports for “health,” or using E-Verify or various proposals for immigration and elections. We managed proper borders and elections before the advent of digital systems. Indeed, the more we digitize, the more central control and corruption we get.
Whether Democrat or Republican, whether liberal or conservative, say “no” to all forms of digital ID and anything leading to the creation of digital IDs. Make sure all of the candidates—whether federal, state, or local—know they cannot cross you on this issue. You will not tolerate a digital ID, and you will not tolerate any new steps designed to end your financial freedom.
Don’t fall for it!
“Is Trump the Trojan Horse for a Techno-Fascist Police State with Bio-Surveillance & Digital ID?”
Four Democratic Risks that Arise When Digital IDs Are Coupled to Central Bank Digital Currencies
How Soon Before You’ll Need a Digital ID to Access Public Services?
Related Solari Reports:
The Threat of Financial Transaction Control
Visa & Mastercard: The Real Threat to the Digital ID Control System
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My Position on the U.S. Presidential Election
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