“The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”
~ Saint Augustine
By Catherine Austin Fitts
This week, in our final end-of-year segment highlighting the Best of the Solari Report, we republish the News Trends & Stories discussions from our quarterly Wrap Ups. Before beginning to publish our 2022 Annual Wrap Up in January, we want to make sure you have digested the most important offerings of the year.
In these rich quarterly discussions, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and I look at reality (as opposed to “official reality”), consider where we are headed, and offer our “high-octane speculation” about significant unanswered questions. Our analysis is meant to summarize and synthesize the key trends and events that may impact your time, resources, risk management, and actions toward protecting freedom and building family wealth.
This year, Joseph and I spent considerable time discussing the push for central control, always emphasizing the power of what one individual can do to break free, back out of the control grid, and change the course of events. As a key insight of 2022, we also zeroed in on the growing use—and abuse—of the sovereign immunities available to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and an all-too-large number of national and global institutions and players. Central control thrives on secrecy, and bringing transparency wherever possible has never been more important.
Solari Report Wrap Ups are an excellent way to help you understand primary trends, always with the goal of providing actionable intelligence for a free and inspired life. Each Wrap Up builds first as a web presentation, subsequently available as a printable PDF to Digital-Only subscribers and automatically mailed as a hard copy to Digital-Plus-Print subscribers.
On behalf of the entire Solari team, we wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
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