The best advice for these times comes from Catherine Austin Fitts—‘Maintain a state of amusement.’
I thoroughly enjoyed ‘Protecting Your Assets: Navigating the Financial Fraud Minefield.’ Along with your Wrap Up on Taxation, this is like a master class in personal asset, savings, and wealth preservation!
Thank you for your knowledge and especially for the action steps!
You are the best and help me understand so much. My business is better functioning, more insightful, and thrives more than ever partly due to the actionable intelligence I receive.
How fortunate we are to listen to the truth about money from people who exude kindness and clarity.
Your voice is a brave bell that rings true. Thank you.
Thanks so much for your optimism and your belief that we can turn everything around. I’ll keep trying to do my part, and I feel that supporting you multiplies my effect.
The recurring chats between Joseph Farrell and Catherine cover the whole range [of topics] in an interesting, grounded way. No easy feat—and beautifully done.
The best lesson I learned from Catherine is, ‘Follow the money.’
It’s great to listen to two highly well-informed and articulate people discussing complicated subject matter in a simple, non-technical, easy-to-understand way [re Catherine’s interview with Steve Patterson].
[Renewing my subscription is] the best birthday gift I could make to myself. Solari is my most valued source of ethical and exceptionally well informed news on wide-ranging matters of world importance which affect us all.
Words cannot express my gratitude for the amazing intelligence that I have received during my first year of subscription. The Solari team has opened a world that I didn’t know existed…. The things I value now have changed drastically. Thanks to Solari Report, I now have a clearer idea on how I want to live my life purposefully.
Speaking of the quality of information, I know to always count on the very best at Solari.
Thanks, Catherine, for all that you do. You are a gift to humanity.
As a small business owner, I loved [the interview on leadership] and got great value. Very inspiring.
Everywhere my wife and I cast an eye, we see Catherine Austin Fitts. It’s about time for us to pay for her sagacity and perspicacity!
I am a thankful subscriber!
I must tell you how much I appreciate Solari! Pretty much, it’s my only subscription.
Thank you Catherine and team Solari for your curiosity, discernment, and diligence in bringing light on all these pieces to foster faith and forward our evolution.
I rate the Fitts-Farrell [News Trends & Stories] conversation A+. I have a hunch the off-camera conversation would be AAA standing ovation.
I’ve decided that I’m a Fittsian. I feel that Catherine Austin Fitts paints the most compelling, most complete picture of what’s happening in the world with regard to critical matters.
I am 72 years old and on a fixed income, but I will continue to subscribe. Catherine and Joseph, you both give me hope!
Catherine said, ‘Simply by protecting yourself, you can weaken the tapeworm.’ What a great line. This is now my antidote to the fear porn or ‘It is hopeless, there is nothing you can do.’
I thank Solari in being so broad and tackling many subjects of human life that need attention.
Thank you so much for arranging the Meet & Greet. It was empowering, life-giving, and refreshing.
The Meet and Greet was like being five years old at a candy store. A candy store of information and like-minded people and ideas. Thank you.
Un mil gracias—a thousand thanks—for all you do and this amazing resource. Until I went to the Solari Meet and Greet…I did not really understand…that our personal insights can connect dots that need [to be] connected, which are hidden to us but the magic of Solari can bring together.
Thank you for being a wealth of wisdom and information during crazy times. I find such solace in your videos and resources.
I listened and learned! You are so important to tell us the truth! I do not hear this from anyone else on the Internet.
Being a Solari subscriber teaches us how to look beyond the headlines and dig for the truth.
I’m so grateful to Catherine and the Solari Report team for the amazing work that you do. Your character and body of work is a beacon of light in a dark world.
I have yet to come across a Solari feature not worth listening to.
Catherine is one of the few I trust and seek mentorship and guidance from.
As always, a wonderful presentation [News Trends & Stories]. No better mix than education and humor. This interview could have gone on for 24+ hours as far as I am concerned.
The absolute best investment I’ve made in my education is becoming a Solari subscriber. I’ve had so many unexplained loose ends wrapped up, which has only added to helping me protect my family and plan for the future.
After watching Catherine and Joseph for a while [News Trends & Stories], I can’t imagine why anyone would pay any attention whatever to the MSM gasbags.
Thanks to all the brave heroes, like Catherine, who has [saved] and continues to save millions of lives. [We] would be dead now if I hadn’t been an ardent Solari member.
This is a gem of an interview [Tales from the Congressional Front with Representative Thomas Massie]. The three of you just rock!
Bravo! You always do work of high-integrity, wisdom, and love. I can’t thank you enough for the myriad of ways you have helped us grow.
Heartfelt felicitations and thanks to Catherine, Whitney Webb, and Jacob Nordangård for this outstanding literary accomplishment [re The “AI Revolution”: The Final Coup D’Etat?]
How did I ever navigate the world without
Outstanding interview! [The Profits of Economic Shock: Case Studies with Professor Richard A Werner] As a humanities guy whose brain struggles with numbers, this was the backdoor through which I could consolidate all I’ve been learning from Catherine and the content introduced to me through Solari.
I have been enjoying the Solari Report for a long time. It’s one of the few places I actually trust now.
Solari is the best for information and solutions.
Bravo, Catherine, for your bravery in stating such hard truths. This piece is brave and true and beautifully written. God bless you for leading the way. is one of the best universities I have ever attended. You [bring] a tremendously talented and well-meaning group of people together who enlighten and challenge me every week. Exposing us to different or new points of view challenges us all to become better human beings, and opens up avenues of action to make this world a better place.
This Wrap Up [News Trends & Stories] was fantastic. So much valuable information. I wish that I would have become a subscriber years ago. Looking forward to sharing this with my adult children.
What I love about Solari is how Catherine presents you with reality and then softens the blow with beautiful music or art but still drives the point home.
It’s great to see Catherine’s work being translated into solutions for Tennessee and other states!
The interview [The Case for Building Wealth with Richard Werner] was so good I listened to it twice. Listening to intelligent, coherent people helps me stay sane.
I have found my tribe and I’ve come home! Truly, I love Solari! Thank you, Catherine, to you and your team.
Thanks to Catherine and Solari, we understand what’s at stake and what needs to be done.
Solari taught me that one person can make a difference!
I think my Solari subscription is turning out to be one of the best investments I’ve ever made.
I am happy to renew my subscription! This year is going to be chaotic, and I am sure the Solari Report will continue to be the beacon for our free and inspired life!
Catherine, I’ve been following your website since 2011 and became a subscriber shortly after. I have listened to the Red Button Story numerous times. Thanks for all the top-notch work you and your team do!
As a returning customer, I absolutely love your whole website, especially Money & Markets.
Thank you for this jewel of an interview. [Referring to “2023 Annual Wrap Up: The Magic of Water with Ulrike Granögger”]
Pay attention to Catherine. She is the real deal. A subscription to her Solari Report has been $275 a year for the last 15 years. The price has not gone up, but the value she adds every year does.
Inspiring, informative, and insightful. Thank you for a worthwhile educational experience! [Re “Where to Stash Your Cash in 2024”]
I just can’t tell you how happy I am with the information I am getting from you all. It’s very optimistic and very realistic. I appreciate everything you do and can’t thank you enough.
Thank you, Catherine and Dr. Farrell, great discussion! I so appreciated the pushback info—truly encouraging. Also appreciated the AI conversation, detailing its limitations and the superior value of humans’ ability to problem-solve and to create.
You, Catherine and the Solari Report, are truly amazing. Such powerful, useful, and informative information and insights! I’m very grateful.
I’ve been following Catherine Austin Fitts’ interviews for the last few years and have found her to be a consistent source of solace in a world gone mad.
Solari has been a source of information and encouragement this past year. When I listen to Money & Markets, Catherine and John feel like our ‘reliable neighbors’ in this global Solari tribe. I love Ulrike’s science reports, too.
Mind-blowing! What a stupendous piece of intergalactic dot-connecting. Joseph Farrell has a brilliant mind and Catherine is a national treasure. [Comment on “Is the Universe Alive and Intelligent?”]
Thank you all at Solari for your efforts to help seed and protect ‘A Free and Inspired Life.’ I agree that ‘they are intent on harvesting our creativity.’ I find in my soul-healing work that restoring the flow of creativity is critical for restoring health and sovereignty.
As a new subscriber, I am SO pleased with the content—and I haven’t delved into anything but the Money & Markets show for the last two weeks. I’ve gone way back to the beginning of 2020 and have binge-watched or listened all the way up to August of 2021 thus far. I’m happier than Janet Yellen in a tub full of Brent crude!
My neighbor introduced me to the priceless work of Mrs. Catherine. God bless her and all the other people who are working with her.
Catherine, your mother and father must be completely proud of you. You are amazing and I pray for you everyday. Never stop—it’s working.
Another bell ringer of an interview! Thank you for your continued top-notch guests, interviews, and subject matter.
We are deeply grateful to Solari, as we don’t know where we would be without the ongoing incredible knowledge, insights, and perspective that are shared here.
It’s always valuable to listen to News Trends & Stories with Catherine and Joseph Farrell. True wealth, for me, includes sanity!
Thank you for having the courage to remain rational and level-headed, providing what appears to be the only analysis of recent events that didn’t make me want to throw up. The past three years made me lose respect for a truckload of individuals who I thought had integrity. Bad times make apparent what people are made of. I will just turtle forth and treasure Life. Catherine & Solari team, thank you for everything.
By finding you and listening to you, my eyes were opened and I was saved from gangstalking destruction. I am now back on my feet and helping others. You are a treasure. You saved my life.
I love Solari. I’m a lifer.
I don’t know another site like Solari where there is such a buffet to choose from in educating oneself.
You always bring the best and brightest! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I would still be flailing around looking for real knowledge if not for Solari.
Thank you for seeing a bigger picture than most are ready to even imagine!
Catherine, you are incredible! Solari enlightens its subscribers and allows us to use critical thinking. I thank you and pray for you each day.
I give thanks for your clarion voice and being a lighthouse navigating people to safety, avoiding being marooned on jagged rocks of deception.
Solari is the best! There is nothing else like it. CAF rocks!
Solari is like a prism. Lots in life is tied to money, but Solari shines bright beyond ‘financial expertise’ in a very exhilarating and somethings lifesaving way.
Holy mackerel! Finally a decent resource that is comprehensive and has enlightened risk assessment! Thank you so much for the human freeing work you are doing.
You are doing fine work, enlightening and educating on REALITY (vs. ‘official reality’). You have indeed taught me and your audience well how to successfully decipher developments in our world!

views: 148