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“Liberty, equality, brotherhood—these ideas are deeply rooted in every soul.”
~ Thomas Meyer
By Catherine Austin Fitts
A century ago, Rudolf Steiner delivered a series of large public lectures in Vienna. At one of the lectures, he gave his last presentation on what he called the “threefold social order,” seeking to explain the concepts in straightforward terms accessible to the general public.
In this episode of the Spiritual Science in the Present Age Series, Thomas Meyer carries on this legacy, sharing his reflections on Steiner’s important contribution and on what the threefold social order can offer us in the present age.
The threefold social order makes historical reference to the French Revolution and the birth (before the revolution turned sour) of three great human ideas that, in Thomas’s view, “resonate in every soul”: liberty, equality, and brotherhood (or what the French call “fraternity”). This trinity of ideas, in turn, corresponds to three spheres of social activity—cultural, legal, and economic—that require coordination but, as Steiner argued, ultimately must remain independent of one another.
Unfortunately, we often see heavy-handed subordination of one sphere (for example, the rule of law) to another (such as the economy). Other challenges include growing central control, materialism, and ideological dogmatism, to name just a few. For Thomas, the antidote to these challenges—fundamental to achieving our full potential in the cultural, legal, and economic spheres—is the development of a strong and active spiritual life rooted in truly independent thinking.
Join me and Thomas as we build our understanding of why the threefold social order is still so immensely necessary and relevant in our time.
Related Solari Reports:
Threefold Social Order—Basic Points
Spiritual Science in the Present Age
Special Solari Report: The Three Fold Social Order with Thomas Meyer