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Read the PDF of: Covid-19: Ohio Stands Up – Jon Rappoport Interviews Attorney Tom Renz
"It is also critical to note the financial incentive to include deaths as Covid-19 deaths. In Ohio, according to Becker’s Hospital Review, hospitals are being reimbursed an additional $180,000 per Covid-19 requires no lab test but does qualify as a case." Michael Renz, Eric Calderaro, et al. vs. State of Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine, Lance Himes, In the United States District Court Western Division for the Northern District of Ohio, Case No. 3:20-cv-1948
By Jon Rappoport
America has been devastated by lockdowns and business closures and what amounts to house arrest of millions of citizens. Not only do these states of emergency threaten the Constitution and our hard-won freedoms, the medical reasons for the politicians’ lockdowns are crumbling under the weight of honest scientific analysis.
In this interview with attorney Tom Renz, you finally see a legal case that can bring down the whole house of cards, and restore freedom and true science. This case is a model for honorable lawyers everywhere, who should be filing similar claims. Get busy now!
Ohio Stands Up! Resources:
Ohio Stands Up! Legal Case Filing
Ohio Stands Up! Legal Case Filing (With Attachments)
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