Science & Technology – Week of 08.27.17

‘Your Eyes Start Itching’: Pollution Soars in Houston After Chemical Industry Leaks
Guardian | 02 September 2017
Nearly 1m pounds of particularly harmful…

Harvey Has Made the World’s Most Important Chemical a Rare Commodity
Bloomberg | 01 September 2017
More than half of U.S. production…

US Heatwave: Deserts Burn in Triple-digit Temperatures as California and Montana Hit by Wildfires
Independent | 01 September 2017
Burning Man festival…

Latest Donation
Houston Food Bank
Houston Food Bank | August 2017
Every $1 you give provides a full day of meals to…

Maker Faires Around the World: Queens, New York Sept. 22-24, 2017
Maker Faire | 01 September 2017
Foundation for making plastics essential to…

Truthstream Media: No Other Way to Say It, the Zombie Apocalypse Is Here

YouTube | 31 August 2017

Google is Coming after Critics in Academia and Journalism. It’s Time to Stop Them.
Washington Post | 30 August 2017
Silence opposition, apparently without any sense of…

Storm Summary Number 19 For Tropical Storm Harvey Preliminary
NOAA | 30 August 2017
Place totals for rainfall and wind…

Hurricane Harvey is One of 74 Disasters Declared by FEMA in 2017
OC Register | 29 August 2017
Per region…place…

Latest Solari Donation
Help Feed Victims Of Hurricane Harvey
Mercy Chefs | 29 August 2017
Please stand with us to meet the physical and spiritual needs of
thousands of hurricane victims, first responders and volunteers…

Meet Verimi – Germany’s answer to US tech heavyweights Google & Facebook
RT | 29 August 2017
Available to a broad range of users in the…

Russia, China to Join Together in Space Exploration Effort
Strategic-Culture | 29 August 2017
Greatly facilitate…

Flooding in Houston after Hurricane Harvey – in Pictures
Guardian | 28 August 2017

Houston Submerged by ‘Unprecedented’ Flooding as Hundreds Plucked from Texas Rooftops After Hurricane Harvey
Yahoo | 28 August 2017
Urged people to get on top of…

Harvey’s Cruel Rains to Cause a Second Disaster; Only One-sixth of Houston Homeowners Have Flood Insurance
Bob Sullivan | 28 August 2017
Insurance lessons of wind vs. water…

(What Would Harry Lonsdale Say?) The Dutch Origins Center Kickoff
Huffington Post | 27 August 2017
Emergence and bridging of temporal and spatial scales…

Bernanke Flip-Flops: Will Be Keynote Speaker At Blockchain Conference
Zero Hedge | 27 August 2017
Nothing new once…

California Passed a Law Boosting Police Transparency on Cellphone Surveillance. Here’s Why It’s Not Working
LA Times | 27 August 2017
Far more…

YouTube “Economically Censors” Ron Paul, Labels Videos “Not Suitable” For All Advertisers
Zero Hedge | 27 August
Sharing political views that…

Texas Flood Disaster: Harvey has Unloaded 9 Trillion Gallons of Water
Washington Post | 27 August 2017
Map with estimated rainfall totals…

‘Catastrophic’ Flooding Traps Houston Residents
CNN | 27 August 2017
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said…

Local: Texas Leaders to Trump: Houston Area Needs Billions for Hurricane Protection
Texas Tribune | 25 April 2017
Devastating example of complexity and many “causes” and “solutions”…

Houston, Texas: Fourth Largest U.S. City
Wikipedia | 27 August 2017
Greater Houston metro area is the fifth-most populated…

Whole Foods Shareholders Back Amazon Takeover
IB Times | 26 August 2017
Transformative for…

The Importance of Mitochondrial Health
EMF Warriors | August 2017

Blockchain: Challenges in Financial Sector Use
World Exchanges | August 2017
Blockchain features are at odds with…

Top 100 Blockchain Organisations: From CoinDesk to BitPay,
These Are the Most Influential Organisations in the Distributed Ledger Space

Richtopia | 24 May 2016
Determined by Art…

Beauty and Destruction: the Amazon Rainforest – In Pictures
Guardian | 30 January 2017
Forests for climate and…