Science & Technology – Week of 06.04.17

This Creepy Patent Proves They Can Remotely Hijack Your Nervous System

This Creepy Patent Proves They Can Remotely Hijack Your Nervous System

This Creepy Patent Proves They Can Remotely Hijack Your Nervous System

YouTube | 07 June 2017
The Chip is In..

Toshiba to Pay $3.7 Billion to Keep Building U.S. Reactors
Reuters | 10 June 2017
Westinghouse Fall Out…

EFF and Broad Coalition Call for Day of Action to Defend Net Neutrality
EFF | 6 June 2017
July 12th… Killing…after the courts finally upheld…(EFF has been a guest on the Solari Report)

How The Death Of Net Neutrality Could Hamstring The Internet Of Things
Tech Dirt | 09 June 2017
Thirty years of documented anti-competitive…

Technology Quarterly: Taking flight – Civilian Drones
Economist | 08 June 2017
Military drones, account for…

Introduces Bill That Would Renew Section 702 Forever With Zero Changes
Tech Dirt | 07 June 2017
Dark while the government expands …

Tracking Hacking: The World’s Biggest Data Breaches
Visual Capitalist | 05 June 2017
Nothing Digital is Secure…

CNN Destroyed By Weather Channel Founder Over Climate Change
YouTube | 06 June 2017
You Get What You Pay for…

The Latest Scam from Republithugs to Force Genetic Tests on Employees
JP Farrell | 05 June 2017
Stealing the Rights to Your DNA…

India Just Launched Its Heaviest & Most Powerful Rocket Yet
Space | 05 June 2017
India has Heavy Lift Platforms…

Why is the Green Climate Fund Costing the U.S. a Fortune?
The Saker | 04 June 2017
CO2 Scam Details….

Wolrd Competitiveness Center Rankings 2017
IMD | 31 May 2017
New criteria to…

China is Now Getting Power from the Largest Floating Solar Farm on Earth
Indy 100 | 27 May 2017
Making the Most of Renewable Resources..