Pushback of the Week: September 16, 2024: Omniwar Symposium

“A global class war was initiated with the ‘Covid-19’ psychological operation in 2020. The aim of the war is the controlled demolition of liberal democracy and the institution of a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism known as technocracy. The war is waged by the few against the many, and requires novel strategies and tactics. It is an Omniwar, waged across every domain of life but disguised so that the public does not recognize it as such. Much of the weaponry is invisible. If the technocrats win the war, the result will be a global slavery system in which a numerically minuscule transnational ruling class achieves total control over every area of human life, including biology. Transhumanism is a camouflaged military project which seeks to integrate human bodies with the technocratic control grid. Resistance in the Omniwar requires recognizing what is happening, following your conscience, and taking personal responsibility for doing whatever you can to help put down the global technocratic coup.” ~ The Study Group on Technology and Power

The Study Group on Technology and Power is presenting OMNIWAR: A Symposium, which will stream on multiple platforms on Saturday, September 21 from 9am – 2pm ET. The symposium aims to help viewers better understand the stealth war to enslave humanity that is being waged across every domain of human life.

The speakers for this first-of-its-kind symposium are David A. Hughes PhD, author Patrick Wood, Daniel Broudy PhD, and Lissa Johnson PhD.

The unifying themes will be Omniwar, technocracy, transhumanism, and resistance, presented in four 45-minute presentations by the speakers, followed by a roundtable. As the Master of Ceremonies, Catherine Austin Fitts will moderate the symposium and also participate in the roundtable.

The segments:

  • David A. Hughes – Resisting the Global Technocratic Coup: Seeing the Bigger Picture
  • Patrick Wood – Technocracy’s War Cry: “We Will Assimilate”
  • Lissa Johnson – Transhumanism and Covid-19: Military Operations in Civilian Disguise?
  • Daniel Broudy – The Convergence of Data and Flesh: The Financialization and Transformation of the Human “Herd”

Please learn more about this important event and the speakers by following the links below. Share widely!


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Save the date: OMNIWAR Symposium, September 21, 9am-2pm EST

Covid-19 – Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity? (Co-authored with Valerie Kyrie and Daniel Broudy)

Global Class War and the Politics of a Hatchet Job: A Reply to John Waters (Follow-up by Hughes, Kyrie, and Broudy)

Related Solari Reports:

Hero of the Week: April 29, 2024: David A. Hughes

“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy by David A. Hughes

Navigating Psychological and Neurological Warfare with Dr. David A. Hughes

Hero of the Week: August 2, 2021: Patrick Wood

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