Precious Metals & Currencies – 1st Quarter 2019

US Telecoms Giant AT&T Now Accepting Crypto Payments via BitPay
Yahoo News | 23 May 2019

The “Dollar Milkshake” Theory (w/ Brent Johnson) | Expert View | Real Vision
Reddit | 03 March 2019

A Perfect Nightmare: CryptoKlepto
Giza Death Star | 25 March 2019

De-dollarisation: India, Japan Activate $75 Billion Currency Swap Agreement
Sputnik News | 28 February 2019

There’s been a mysterious surge in $100 bills in circulation, possibly linked to global corruption
Blacklisted News | 28 February 2019

Foreigner Boycott Of US Treasurys Continues: 7Y Auction Indirects Tumble To 3 Year Low
Zero Hedge | 26 February 2019

Once hailed as unhackable, blockchains are now getting hacked
Technology Review | 19 February 2018

Pound Shows Signs of Creaking Under Weight of a No-Deal Brexit
Bloomberg | 16 February 2019

JP Morgan is rolling out the first US bank-backed cryptocurrency to transform payments business
CNBC | 14 February 2019

TN: State Proposes Bill to Treat Gold and Silver as Money to Directly Fight Federal Reserve Monopoly
Free Thought Project | 13 February 2019

SB0978-1-SENATE BILL 978 By Southerland AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 9 and Title 67, relative to precious metals
Legiscan TN| 2019

Tennessee Legal Tender Law Would Treat Gold and Silver as Money; Foundation to Undermine the Federal Reserve
Tenth Amendment Center | 11 February 2019

Digital exchange loses $137 million as founder takes passwords to the grave
Arstechnica | 02 February 2019

Trump’s Brilliant Strategy to Dismember U.S. Dollar Hegemony
Michael-Hudson | 01 February 2019

Central bank gold buying hits highest level in half a century
CNBC | 31 January 2019

Bitcoin Investors Are Abandoning Crypto for Gold during the Bear Market: Vaneck CEO
CCN | 28 January 2019

John Williams – Flight From Dollar Will Spike Gold and Silver
Greg Hunter | 26 January 2018

Samsung to unveil crypto wallet
Banking Tech | 25 January 2019

SWIFT publishes new ‘Pay Later’ API standard
Fin Tech | 16 January 2019

Bank of China to enable payment in yuan on U.S. e-commerce platforms: Xinhua
Reuters | 13 January 2019

Riyadh, Dubai Mull Single Digital Currency in Cross-Border Transactions – Report
Sputnik News | 20 January 2019

Gold hits an all time high in 72 currencies
Zero Hedge | 15 January 2019

Russia De-Dollarizes Deeper: Shifts $100 Billion To Yuan, Yen, And Euro
Zero Hedge | 10 January 2019

Bank Of England Boss: China’s Renminbi Will Rival The Dollar As Global Reserve Currency
Zero Hedge | 09 January 2019

Gold hits over 6-month high on falling dollar, equities
Free Malaysia Today | 02 January 2019

AriseBank execs fined $2.5m over ICO (Crypto) scam
Banking Tech | 14 December 2018

Visa to buy British payments firm Earthport for about $250 million
Reuters | 17 December2018

Braintree adds Samsung Pay option for US merchants
Banking Tech | 02 November 2018

Backlash building to cashless movement
SF Gate | 09 July 2018

Go To: Precious Metals & Currencies – 4th Quarter 2018