By Catherine Austin Fitts
One of the most important things we can each do is to support excellent leaders.
I have made a campaign contribution to Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur’s (D-Ohio) campaign this election season and will be speaking on her behalf in Port Clinton, Ohio on August 25th.
Congresswoman Kaptur has been fearless in her efforts to protect average American’s from mortgage and financial fraud and to remind her colleagues of what counts and works on Main Street. Trained in urban planning and experienced in the nuts and bolts of local economies, she is now the most senior member of the Ohio Congressional delegation. She sits on the powerful appropriations committee where her voice makes a real difference.
Please join me in Port Clinton — this will be a great conversation about how to rebuild Main Street in this Ohio community and surrounding areas, including Congresswoman Kaptur’s home, Toledo, and the I-75 corridor.
If you can’t make it to Port Clinton, I hope you will make a donation at the campaign website. Big or small, each “financial vote” counts.
Let’s show the criminals that we will support the honest politicians that fight for all us!
Related Reading:
Marcy Kaptur
Democratic Allies Battle For New Ohio House Seat
Recommended for Your Campaign Contributions: Marcy Kaptur
Rep. Marcy Kaptur Questions Tim Geithner
Congresswoman Kaptur: It’s a Financial Coup d’ Etat