Catherine’s Planet Lockdown interview had reached 2.7MM views on the Truth Matters channel when it was taken down by YouTube over the last 24 hours. There were approximately 12,000 comments and 68,000 likes and 1,700 dislikes.
According to the filmmaker James Henry, “Here is the key line from the YouTube email telling me it was censored”:
“YouTube doesn’t allow content that explicitly disputes the efficacy of local health authorities’ or World Health Organization (WHO) guidance on social distancing and self isolation that may lead people to act against that guidance. Learn more here.”
It has also been taken down from the Planet Lockdown channel at Youtube. We have received one report of it being taken down from Bitchute. However, there are multiple copies posted at Bitchute.
You can see it on the following servers:
Solari Video Server:
Planet Lockdown Trailer:
Soundcloud: Interview
Read the PDF of: Planet Lockdown Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts
Listen to the MP3 audio file

Download the MP3 audio file

With your support, James is hoping to have the full documentary out in the 1st Q 2021. You can find many great interviews by James for the documentary at his Planet Lockdown Film website.
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