New “Food is Medicine” Nutrition Screening, RX, Tracking and Control

by: Corey Lynn

On November 16, the FDA completed its pre-market consultation for Upside Foods animal cell culture technology to produce chicken from cultured chicken cells. Upside Foods recently launched their lab grown meat facility in California, and is backed by 37 investors, including Bill Gates and Temasek Holdings. As Corey’s Digs has reported for the past five years, here, here, and here, regarding lab grown meat, the FDA and USDA approved the overall process of this long ago and have been working on the overall consultations, cell lines, and labeling regulations. This more recent press release pertains to another step in the FDA approval to bring Upside Foods to market, while inviting other firms to develop cultured animal cell food from livestock, poultry, and seafood, in what they call “a food revolution.”

Read full article here.