Movie of the Week: October 14, 2024: Just One Drop

“The most controversial system of medicine ever invented.” ~ Just One Drop

The 2017 documentary Just One Drop explores the origins and uses of homeopathy, a sometimes contested healing modality. Focused on treating the individual holistically rather than simply addressing specific symptoms or ailments, homeopathy uses highly diluted substances in minimal amounts that are said to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.

The film presents insights into various scientific studies related to homeopathy while addressing surrounding controversies and misconceptions. Homeopathy’s mechanism of action and its use of very small doses are two of the factors that often give rise to significant discussion. Despite the ongoing debate, millions globally—including doctors, legislators, presidents, and members of royal families—continue to use homeopathy and advocate for its effectiveness.

Watch this thought-provoking documentary to gain a deeper understanding of the uses and importance of homeopathy.

Watch the film on various platforms.


Just One Drop – The Film

Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy

Just One Drop – Part 1

Just One Drop – Part 2

Related Solari Report:

Solution Series: Homeopathic Health and Homeschooling with Paola Brown

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