“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ~ George Orwell
The two-part documentary Project Whistleblower presents the compelling narrative of Pfizer whistleblower Justin Leslie, a 27-year-old scientist turned inside agent who boldly confronts established pharmaceutical industry practices as well as the suppression of critical information of urgent public interest.
In the 2024 documentary, Leslie shares insights derived not just from his prior employment with the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer but also from his subsequent involvement with the alternative media organizations Project Veritas and O’Keefe Media, both started by James O’Keefe. He reveals that these media organizations chose not to disclose many of his most crucial findings to the public. Instead, they appeared to selectively manage and sometimes suppress key information, indicating that some aspects of the organizations functioned as “limited hangouts.”
Leslie’s tenure at Pfizer and then at Project Veritas provided him with a unique perspective regarding the operations of both the pharmaceutical and alternative media sectors. Project Whistleblower reveals his back story to these events, highlighting what seems to be extensive deception, potential collusion, and corruption within both industries.
Catherine comments, “One of the things that we feel strongly about at Solari is, what is the price of a lie to a family? Sitting on information can be so destructive. We are always concerned about disinformation, but we are also equally concerned about material omissions.”
If reviewing this case study in potential “modified limited hangouts” will help you become more discerning in your use of media, this one may be for you.
Project Whistleblower: Volumes 1 and 2
Documentary indicates James O’Keefe attended Bohemian Grove, suggests he’s a CIA asset
Project Whistleblower: Inside Big Pharma & Alt Media with Justin Leslie
Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair
Limited hangout (Wikipedia)
James O’Keefe (Wikipedia)
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Hero of the Week: November 8, 2021: Melissa Strickler McAtee (Pfizer Whistleblower)
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