Money & Markets – Week of 07.30.17

AT&T Mulling Sell-Off Of Major Assets Under Turner After Time Warner Merger
Deadline | 04 August 2017
Selling CNN might…

Trump Administration Weighs Slashing Mortgage Deduction
Politico | 04 August 2017
Earthquakes through…

Mick Mulvaney Backs Down: White House to Support ‘Clean’ Debt ceiling
Washington Examiner | 03 August 2017
Whether to include spending cuts…

“It Won’t Be Long Now” – David Stockman Warns “Amazon Is The New Tech Crash”
Zero Hedge | 02 August 2017
Drastic market narrowing of…

What Does “Gentrification” Really Mean?
Strong Towns | 02 August 2017
Ask yourself what really has you so angry, or perplexed, or excited…

While Other U.S. Companies Flee China, Starbucks Doubles Down
NY Times | 31 July 2017
Path away…

Now It’s the Netherlands Trying to Get a Handle on It’s Gold…
Giza Death Star | 29 July 2017
DNB hasn’t got…

Amazon’s New ‘Hub’ Delivery Lockers will Accept Packages from any Sender
Geek Wire | 30 July 2017
Rival to…

NSA Links to Big Corporations
Armstrong Economics | 30 July 2017
Defending the economy has turned into…

Oregon PERS Board Cuts Pension-investment Expectations
Register Guard | 29 July 2017
Agencies already were facing…

Wells Fargo Charged 800,000 Customers for Fake Car Insurance, Stole 25,000 Cars—Nobody Charged
Free Thought Project | 29 July 2017
Insurance they did not…

With LIBOR Dead, $400 Trillion In Assets Are Stuck In Limbo
Zero Hedge | 27 July 2017
Biggest problem is one of…

Tax Overhaul in Doubt as House GOP Stuck on Budget Disagreements
Bloomberg | 27 July 2017
In dispute on…

No Gas Stations Downtown
Strong Towns | 27 July 2017
Sustained nearly $120 million of private…

OPEC Considers Crackdown on Output Deal Laggards
Market Watch | 24 July 2017
Pressure to keep the OPEC deal from…

$29,000,000,000,000: A Detailed Look at the Fed’s Bailout by Funding Facility and Recipient
Levy Institute | 01 December 2011
29 Trillion…(2011)