Money & Markets – Week of 04.09.17

Follow the Money: Stories of Citizen Action
Public Finance International | 15 April 2017
Africa Sets the Example…

Project Camelot: Catherine Austin Fitts: Global Finance & World Affairs
YouTube | 14 April 2017
Impacting our lives…

The Trump Reflation Fantasy Ends on Day 100
Daily Reckoning | 15 April 2017
Vicious Partisan Infighting..

Deficit in Dallas: How One of the Fastest-Growing U.S. Cities Ended Up With Billions in Debt
Governing | April 2017
Legislature is going to…

ShadowBrokers: The NSA compromised the SWIFT Network
Medium | 14 April 2017
Evidences of the largest infection…

Factors Aligning to Accelerate Pension Activity
Plan Sponsor | 13 April 2017
Tipping point…

The New World of the R&D Tax Credit
CFO | 13 April 2017
Subsidized R&D, What a Concept…

What United Airlines Really Wants Is to Privatize America’s Skies
Huffington Post | 13 April 2017
Corporations too…

Scorpion Stings Passenger On United Flight
Zero Hedge | 13 April 2017
Showed no sign of distress…

Feds Collect Record Income and Payroll Taxes Through March–Still Run $526,855,000,000 Deficit
CNS News | 14 April 2017
Income tax collection chart…

Airbnb Growth Slows Worldwide as Regulations Increase
The Real Deal | 14 April 2017
February, compared to…

Delta Will Offer Up To $9,950 To Passengers On Overbooked Flights
zero Hedge | 14 April 2017
Receive their seat assignments at least…

Air China Cancels some Beijing-Pyongyang Flights
Yahoo | 14 April2017
Based on…

Ukraine to Launch Big Blockhain Deal with Tech Firm Bitfury
Reuters | 13 April 2017
Ever so far…

Recession Alert: Government Revenues Suffer Biggest Drop Since The Financial Crisis
Zero Hedge | 13 April 2017
Outlays of a record…

Trump’s Plan to Attack Social Security
Under News | 13 April 2017

Bill O’Reilly Is Running Out Of Friends
Buzz Feed | 13 April 2017

The Bespoke “Death by Amazon” Indices
Bespoke Premium | 13 April 2017

Puerto Rico Seen Sliding Toward Bankruptcy as Deadline Nears
Yahoo | 12 April 2017
Creditors could negotiate out of court…

? This Loophole Will Let Hedge-Fund Managers Dodge $18 Billion in Taxes This Year
The Nation | 12 April 2017
Got twisted to reward…

Forty Percent of 5th-12th Graders Plan to Start a Business
Gallup | 12 April 2017
Financially literate…

What a State-Owned Bank Can Do for New Jersey
Ellen Brown | 12 April 2017
Reclaiming Your State’s Assets…

CPEC Investment Pushed from $55b to $62b
Tribute Pk | 12 April 2017
China Expands Infrastructure Globally…

Airline Travel Decline
Chart of the Day | 11 April 2017
More Bad Economic Indications…

Statistics Show Decline in Interest in Traveling to the U.S. Since Trump Inauguration
Biz Journals | 10 Feburary 2017
Unknown Financial Implications…

10 Worst Cases Of Corporate Greed In U.S. History
Investmentzen | 10 April 2017
Scam, Amount, Restitution, Charges…

Want to See how America is Changing? Property Taxes Hold the Answer
Market Watch | 10 April 2017
Property Tax Diaspora….

If Government Shuts Down, Senators Want Feds to Get Paid
Federal Times | 10 April 2017
They Take Care of their Own…

Dutch Bank ING Sells Dakota Pipeline Loan Share to ‘Send Message’
Reuters | 16 March 2017
Saving Face….

Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney Will Send a letter this Week Ordering Federal Agencies to Prepare for Massive Cuts, According to a Report from Axios.
Breitbart | 10 April 2017
Too Late the Fix??….

Welcome To The Third World, Part 23: Honest Pension Returns Equal Mass-Bankruptcy
Dollar Collapse | 10 April 2017

Painful Numeric Indications…

South Korean Paper Reports China Has Deployed 150,000 Troops To North Korea Border
Zero Hedge | 10 April 2017
War is Good for Wall St. See charts…

Here’s How Much 59 Tomahawk Missiles Cost
Finance Nine | 10 April 2017
The Price Tag of War w/o End Amen..

The Profound Implications of 5 Increasingly Dominant Tech Companies
Hacker Noon | 09 April 2017
Increasingly profound impact on…

Newspapers Cut More than Half of Jobs Since 2001
Undernews | 09 April 2017
More Economy 2.0 declines…

Feds Order $5.4M Whistleblower Award to ex-Wells Fargo Wealth Mmanager
Financial Planning | O9 April 2017
Whistleblower Justice for Once..

Greek PM says Debt Relief is a Condition for more Austerity
Reuters | 09 April 2017
Reform package that could…

IMF Tells Governments How to Subvert Public Resistance against Elimination of Cash
Norbert Haering | 05 April 2017