Money & Markets – Week of 02.19.17

China Is Developing its Own Digital Currency
Bloomberg | 23 February 2017
Middleman is cut…

Mnuchin says Treasury Studying 50- and 100-year Bonds
CNBC | 23 February 2017
Long-dated debt around the world is not…

Why Biggest U.S. Creditors Are Selling Treasuries: Quick Take Q&A
Bloomberg | 22 February 2017
Culled their stakes in…

Federal Reserve Minutes Point to Rate Hike ‘Fairly Soon’
Reuters | 22 February 2017
Fed Rate Hike soon…

Existing-home Sales Jump to a 10-year High
Business Insider | 22 February 2017
Decade High Home Sales..

Trump’s Immigration Plans could Hit Housing Market Hard
February | 22 February 2017
Immigrants made up for…

East Palo Alto received $20M for affordable housing, now what?
Write to Live | 21 February 2017
Zuckerburg donates..

Collapse of Kraft-Unilever tie-up extends run of failed mega-deals
Reuters | 21 February 2017
Failed Mega Deals..

A Routinely Exceptional Year for Private Equity
McKinsey & Co. | 21 February 2017
Private Equity update..

Rothschild Family Is 5 Times Richer Than Top 8 Individual Billionaires…Combined!
We Are Change | 21 February 2017
Calls for a fundamental change…

Khorgos: The New Silk Road’s Central Station Comes To Life
Forbes | 20 February 2017
To the credit of Khorgos’s…

Fate of Defined Benefit Plans
P&I | 20 February 2017
Regulation…Corporate…401(k) features…

Dealmakers Battle for Chance to Run World’s Biggest Chemical Company
Bloomberg | 19 February 2017
Other factors…

Reflecting on One very, very Strange Year at Uber
Susan J Fowler | 19 February 2017

China Responds To Fed Jawboning March “Live” – Weakens Yuan, Spikes Money Market Rates
ZeroHedge | 19 February 2017

Here’s SoftBank’s Latest $3.3 Billion Investment
Fortune | 15 February 2017
Cash instead of…

Why DIY Investors Still Aren’t Flocking To The Robo-Advisers
Fortune | 10 February 2017
More inclusive…