Life – Week of 08.20.17

‘Destroy Christians’ Hate Imam Claimed Swiss Social Benefits for 13yrs – Investigator to RT
RT | 26 August 2017
Brings that into…

California Catholic School Removes Statues of Jesus, Mary to Be More ‘Inclusive’
Free Beacon | 25 August 2017
“absolutely no connection”…

What Colleges and Graduate Schools Don’t Want You to Know

What Colleges and Graduate Schools Don't Want You to Know

What Colleges and Graduate Schools Don’t Want You to Know

YouTube | 19 May 2011
You should not automatically…

Latest Solari Donation
Truthstream Media: Become a Patron
Patreon | August 2017
Even a $1/month will help…grow..access documentary “Obsolete” and our new series…

Chancellor Christ: Free Speech is Who We Are
Berkelry | 23 August 2017
Again to protect this right…

Your Credit Score Could Make or Break Your Love Life
Bloomberg |21 August 2017
Is more attractive than…

Join Us on Our Adventures! On The Spot Films
On The Spot Films | August 2017
Travel and experience events that sometimes happened over…

Dick Gregory, Famed Civil Rights Activist, Humorist, Stand Up Comic Dies at 84
Showbiz 411 | 19 August 2017
This was shocking…

Swedish Museum Accelerates Their Cultural Collapse By Turning Viking Artifacts Into Scrap Metal
Return of Kings | 16 August 2017
Money seems to vanish when…

10 Things Most Americans Don’t Know About America
Mark Manson | 10 July 2012
Inspiration…for our own lives, families, friends and neighbors…