Life – Week of 08.13.17

Local: Buying a $500 House in Detroit: Bidding on the Soul of My City
Guardian | 01 July 2017
I could have, I would have been well within …

Americans are Rapidly Descending Into Madness
Liberty Blitzkreig | 16 August 2017
Separating themselves into weird, unthinking…

Children of the 1% are 77 Times more Likely to Attend an Ivy League School than Poor Americans
Business Insider | 16 August 2017

This Picture Of Mike Pence ‘Triggered’ An Entire Campus Of California Private College Kids
Zero Hedge | 15 August 2017
Adult conversations…

Local: Math is Amazing and We have to Start Treating it that Way

Math is amazing and we have to start treating it that way

Math is amazing and we have to start treating it that way

YouTube | 18 August 2017
Inspiration for creatively supporting math education…