Let’s Go to the Movies: Week of June 5, 2023: The Legend of Pale Male

This is one of those incredibly moving, encouraging, and captivating films about nature, wildlife, and its interface with human civilization that have the potential to change our perceptions and understanding of the intelligence of life around us.

It is the story of a red-tailed hawk in New York City, how he survives, and how he affects the hearts of New Yorkers who learn to know, love, and defend him. It is a true story by a first-time filmmaker, Frederic Lilien, with no budget and no filmmaking experience.

Pale Male the hawk survived in New York City for 32 years. He died on May 16, 2023.

Watch this amazing story here.


The Legend of Pale Male website

Pale Male on Wikipedia

CBS Sunday Morning (2003): “Pale Male, NYC’s favorite hawk”

Frederic Lilien Shares an Exclusive Scene From “The Legend of Pale Male”

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