Hero of the Week: September 26, 2022: Dr. Renate Holzeisen

From day one of the coronavirus plandemic, Italian attorney Dr. Renate Holzeisen has been on the front lines of legal actions taken in Europe against senseless mask mandates and illegal vaccination mandates, litigating Covid vaccine issues at the level of both Italian courts as well as European institutions.

Renate is specialized in international and European law and has filed numerous cases related to Covid measures.

Hailing from South Tyrol, the northernmost part of Italy that is German speaking, Dr. Holzeisen is able to file legal actions in both the German- and Italian-speaking courts, as well as conversing with colleagues internationally in English and French.

Renate is a tireless, successful, and extremely smart lawyer, and a courageous and warm-hearted individual who has achieved tremendous breakthroughs to defend the basic rights of the citizens of Italy and Europe. She has advised and defended businesses in their fight against mass testing and employee vaccination requirements, and has argued in front of the Italian Senate against the so-called Green Pass, proving how vaccine mandates for certain professional groups in Italy are a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code.

One of her recent and important victories in a court of law in Florence involved the suspension of mandatory vaccination requirements for a psychologist, a case which brought to light the fact that information on the ingredients of the experimental injections is subject to military secrecy and may not be released! 

On July 22nd, 2022, Renate—together with Children’s Health Defense Europe—submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the European Commission and the European Medicines Agency as well as Italian public health agencies to demand the immediate disclosure of all ingredients of the Covid-19 mRNA injections (Pfizer and Moderna). As part of the legal evidence, a team of scientific experts from Doctors for Covid Ethics detailed the genotoxic risks and possibility of reverse transcription of spike protein RNA from the so-called “vaccines” into host DNA.

Renate’s unceasing work and great personal sacrifice of time during the past two and a half years—and continuing to this day—cannot be overestimated. She is one of our great heroes, and we confer this honor with profound gratitude.


Renate Holzeisen’s homepage

Renate Holzeisen on Telegram

Freedom of Information Request to European Commission and EMA

Historic Decision against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court in Florence

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