Our Hero of the Week, Ukrainian-born Alexandra “Sasha” Latypova, is an extraordinary woman possessing an unusual mix of artistic talent, scientific expertise, entrepreneurial ingenuity, and high IQ who has been an active contributor to the Doctors for Covid Ethics (DC4E) community of doctors and pharmaceutical professionals. From very early on, she rang the alarm bell on the heterogeneity and dangerous composition of the so-called Covid-19 “vaccines.”
Sasha was a pharmaceutical industry executive for more than 25 years, with extensive experience in the research and development of pharmaceutical products. As the head of her own companies that focused on the creation and review of clinical trials, she knows everything there is to know about “Good Manufacturing Practice” (GMP) requirements for pharmaceutical products. She can attest not only to the fact that none of the Covid injectables were and are produced under normal and legally required GMPs, but that there was collusion and fraud on the part of the manufacturers, the FDA, and other regulatory agencies—who granted emergency use authorization to the new pharmaceutical products based on clinical trials and production scales they knew to be flawed, irrelevant, and incomplete.
This has been demonstrated in a convincing paper that Sasha wrote and that we republished on the Solari website.
Together with Craig Paardekooper, Sasha is one of the Team Enigma members behind the extremely helpful and informative website How Bad Is My Batch, which continues to highlight the unusual variability of effects and (lethal) side effects of various “vaccine” batches.
From Pfizer’s own data, it can be demonstrated that there exists an enormous batch variability—between 55% and 80%—with regard to the integrity of the mRNA in the lipid nanoparticle carriers.
Sasha’s most recent presentation is also the most alarming one, not only showing that there are vast amounts of impurities in the vials, such as heavy and rare metals, but also outlining evidence that these products are produced and owned by the Department of Defense and other institutions of the U.S. Government and not the pharmaceutical companies (such as Moderna or Pfizer) themselves. This means these injectables are NOT pharmaceuticals and they are NOT medicine—something that Catherine presciently argued in April 2020 and termed “The Injection Fraud”!
Sasha Latypova’s contributions to our understanding of what these vials are and what they are not—and what they do and do not contain—are invaluable, and we are indebted to her ceaseless high-level research and flawless presentations to educate the public.
Sasha moved to the United States in the late 1990s. In addition to her extremely successful biotechnology career, she is also a talented painter and artist as well as a writer for TrialSiteNews.
Recent presentation to the German Corona Ausschuss – Must Watch!
Sasha’s contributions on TrialSiteNews
Review of Pfizer’s Non-Clinical Program by Sasha Latypova
views: 18