Hero of the Week: July 1, 2024: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

“A social engineering operation has been carried out to manipulate consensus through terror, threats, blackmail, and the violation of citizens’ most sacrosanct fundamental rights.The Judiciary has been silent. The armed forces have looked the other way. The teachers and priests have zealously cooperated. We are well aware of the perpetrators of this crime against God and Humanity.” ~ Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

We recognize the Italian Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (former nuncio to the United States) as Hero of the Week for his bold actions in exposing many of the increasing threats to humanity. Viganò’s direct approach and utilization of various media platforms have brought attention to some of the most pressing issues facing society today.

As one of the few members of the church willing to speak out publicly, Viganò’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. Recently, he was called to appear before the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on charges of schism. This serious accusation carries the potential consequence of excommunication. Viganò’s discussion of the charges is captioned with a Latin verse from Matthew 7:15, Attendite a falsis prophetis (English translation of the full verse: “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves”).

We highly recommend that you explore the links below to learn more about Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and stay updated on his important work. By following him and keeping him in your prayers, you can gain valuable insights into the challenges facing humanity and this courageous and godly man who is working to address them.


Carlo Maria Viganò (Wikipedia)

Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò on X / Twitter

The most complete listing of the letters, articles, and interviews from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Announcement regarding the start of the extrajudicial criminal trial for schism

The former nuncio to the US says he faces schism charges from the Vatican

Exclusive: EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo Interviews Archbishop Viganò About McCarrick Report

Vatican leaks scandal (Wikipedia)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Warning to America – Speaks About the New World Order (audio)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò On the WEF Blackmailing World Leaders into the New World Order! (video)

Pope Francis “won’t say a word” about letter calling for his resignation

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Issues Statement Criticizing Joe Biden’s Scandalous Proclamation of March 31 as “Transgender Visibility Day”

Concerning the Case of Archbishop Viganò (Giza Death Star)

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