Hero of the Week: January 9, 2020 – Israel Shahak

Israel Shahak is this week’s Hero of the Week – a brave and brilliant man.

In the course of his professional career as a scientist, Shahak’s work in organic chemistry produced science about organic compounds of the element fluorine (F), contributed to cancer research, for which he gained an international reputation and included posting as an assistant to Ernst David Bergmann, the nuclear physicist who was chairman (1952) of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC). In 1961, Shahak pursued post-doctoral studies at Stanford University, in the U.S.; in 1963, he returned to Israel, where he became a popular lecturer and researcher in chemistry, at Hebrew University; moreover, by 1965, Prof. Shahak actively participated in the Israeli politics of the day.

Related reading:

Book Review: Jewish History, Jewish Religion – The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak

Israel Shahak on Wikipedia

Israel Shahak interview on YouTube

The interview was conducted in September 1991 in Shahak’s apartment in Jerusalem.