Beate Bahner (* 1966 ) is a German lawyer , specialist lawyer for medical law and author .
Beate Bahner studied law in Heidelberg and Geneva . She has been admitted to the German bar since 1995. After a few years in business, she settled in Heidelberg in 2002 with her own law firm specializing in medical law . In 2003 she was awarded the Soldan Law Firm Founder Award of the Soldan Institute with 5,000 euros.
At the beginning of April 2020, Bahner published a statement on what they considered to be the unconstitutionality of the federal states’ decrees issued in the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic in Germany . The Federal Constitutional Court rejected your subsequent application for an interim order pursuant to Section 32 BVerfGG on 10 April 2020 as inadmissible.
“Coronoia” lawyer Beate Bahner fails with application against corona rules
Beate Bahner was taken into the facility on Easter Sunday, having asked onlookers to call local police. Bahner is said to have feared for her own safety, according to German-language media reports, due to her increased profile amidst her anti-lockdown activity.
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