“May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand” ~ Traditional Irish Blessing
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Rob Kirby was my friend.
Rob was a person of great integrity. He called it as he saw it. If you disagreed with Rob, he would chew through it with you and both of you would learn, as Rob was also a person of great intelligence.
Rob was born in 1960 in Nova Scotia and grew up in Toronto, Ontario. He received his post-secondary education in Economics at York University in Toronto. When he finished his degree, he went to work in Toronto’s financial district (Bay St.). He worked on an institutional trading desk for most of the 1980s and right up until 1996. He also worked for 11 years at Prebon Yamane, an international interdealer broker of foreign exchange and interest rate products. He spent an additional year at another money/bond broker called Freedom Bond Brokers (subsequently bought out by Cantor Fitzgerald), then spent two years at Garban Inc., another interdealer bond brokerage in Toronto. In 1996, he left the financial industry.
Rob started writing in 1997 and was involved in a number of entrepreneurial pursuits, from marketing buffalo meat to a part-time stint in the giftware business. In 2002, he went to work for Investor’s Group, the largest mutual fund company in Canada. He worked there up until 2004, when he resigned to write about the markets from a “gold bug’s” point of view. His subscribers found him on his website, Kirby Analytics.
I got to know Rob when I joined Le Metropole Cafe—Bill Murphy’s website—and then joined the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) that Bill and Chris Powell started to stop the manipulation in the gold markets. After meeting Rob through GATA-related events, I started to visit him when I headed to Toronto for conferences or business.
Increasingly, Rob and I were in cahoots. Rob was one of the few serious financial people who studied the missing money, collateral fraud, and the black budget. He was generous in his willingness to teach others how the pieces of the puzzle that he knew well—such as interest rate swaps and derivatives—fit in. We shared a passion for shining a light on the Exchange Stabilization Fund and the shenanigans of the federal credit mechanism. He was not afraid to connect the dots between 9/11, wars and false flags, and what was happening in the markets. Because of his fearlessness in looking under the financial system carpet, we shared many of the same allies, including Greg Hunter, Dr. Mark Skidmore, and Nick Barisheff.
Rob was at the heart of our Solari Report subscriber community in Toronto, twice hosting and cooking for Solari subscriber luncheons in the board room and suite at his apartment building. Our subscribers loved his Solari Report interviews. This week’s Blast from the Past is a collection of those interviews and other comments Rob published at Solari.
Rob loved his family. During numerous trips to Toronto, I met his mother, his beautiful daughter Ashely, and his brother. Each time, his love for his family filled the room. He was that kind of guy. Rob also loved Canada and the Canadian people. He was wildly patriotic. He would regularly castigate me for the corruption we Americans were allowing to overwhelm our country, harming the health and finances of both Americans and people around the world.
Rob was deeply concerned about what was happening in Canada during Covid and in recent months. My last conversation with him was about the trucker convoys. He forwarded me a report and pictures from Ottawa raising the concern that Canadian police had been replaced by mercenaries. It was immediately thereafter that he went into the hospital.
I miss Rob. It is never a happy moment when you lose a friend and powerful freedom fighter on whom you and your allies could count. But I am extremely grateful and blessed that I knew him and could call him friend.
Thank you, Rob. You are our Hero and we hold you in our hearts. Go with God. Until we meet again, He holds you in the palm of His hand.
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