Read the full article here.
We live in a world of increasing risk. The family is the most successful risk-management organization created by mankind. Yet many of us have experienced families that have been torn apart by geography and divisions in our society. We have fallen into the trap of believing that financial assets and insurance can buy us safety without family and community.
“I am estranged from my family,” some of you have written to me to say. Truly, I understand the challenges. Please open your hearts and minds to one simple fact—family wealth is the building block of healthy communities, which are, in turn, the building blocks of healthy economies and civilizations.
Look around your community or county. What is working? Whether it is a high-quality local grocery store or an effective local arts council, you will find that its history started with the hard work and funding of a great local family. Despite all the harm done by government programs and corporate encroachment, the health of your place reflects the tenacity and courage of local families whose history is deeply rooted in your community.
If our economy and democracy are to revive, millions of individuals will need to turn failure into success. This means that if you want to save the world, I vigorously recommend helping members of your family. And that begins with protecting and nurturing the children.
For some, this will mean supporting children within your immediate family. For others, it will mean supporting the efforts of local families who make an important difference to the children in your community. And for some of you, it means incorporating a vision of family wealth and investing in children as you create your proposals for reviving our culture and economy.
We are at a watershed in the history of our society. Our governmental and corporate leaders are shifting our investments in human and intellectual capital to benefit only a small portion of our young people. My vision of the future is much more optimistic and abundant. These times call for a renaissance of learning and skills by diverse networks of people, for more broad-based innovation, and for diversified, emergent solutions to the challenges ahead.
For that to happen, we are all called upon to shift our capital—whether our time or our money—out of untrustworthy systems and into nurturing ourselves, our families, and the children we love. It is time to reaffirm that we and our families, not our financial capital, are the valuable assets in our communities. Our financial capital is merely a tool to serve and give life to our families, our dreams, and our enterprises.
During this holiday season, the Solari team and I give thanks for you and all that you are doing to support the children in your lives and your communities. By nurturing the children you love, you are building a much more powerful future for all of us.
May the new year be one of blessings and prosperity for you and yours. May we grow a great civilization together—one family and one child at a time.
Catherine Austin Fitts is president of Solari, Inc., publisher of The Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services LLC in Hickory Valley, Tennessee.
Catherine welcomes your comments as well as ideas or stories about gifting to children that you would like her to share. Please send these to communicate@solari.com.
Read the full article here.