Geopolitical – Week of 11.26.17

The Dog That Didn’t Bark: Imprisoning and Torturing Billionaire Oligarchs
UNZ | 02 December 2017
Hindrance on the way of the Kushner….

The Trump Administration Is Mulling A Pitch For A Private “Rendition” And Spy Network
Buzz Feed | 30 November 2017
Pay it millions to…

Latest Solari Donation
Help David Talbot’s Stroke Recovery
Go Fund Me | November 2017
David Talbot, Premier JFK Researcher…..

Russia to Launch ‘Independent Internet’ for BRICS Nations – Report
RT | 28 November 2017
BRICS Jettison NSA Back Doors…

Greek Orthodox Church Sells Land In Israel, Worrying Both Israelis And Palestinians
NPR | 02 December 2017
Raising panic among…

A Wary Response, So Far, on Trump’s Expected Recognition of Jerusalem
NY Times | 02 December 2017
Arabs and Israeli’s alike were…

Leon Panetta: It’s a ‘Stretch’ to Say Trump Team Broke Law With Russian Contacts
NTK Network | 01 December 2017
Undermined long-standing…

Germany Coalition: Merkel and SPD to Hold more Talks to End Impasse
BBC | 01 December 2017
Schulz agreed to…

Tackling Harassment at Home — Vice Fires Three — Lauer Speaks — Zucker Weighs in — Mercer Funded O’Keefe — Who Owns LA Weekly
Politico | 01 December 2017

The Winner of the 1st Annual Fake News Trophy Is …
Rasmussen Reports | 30 November 2017
40% of all voters think…

Activists Arrested In Atlanta For Feeding Homeless Without A Permit Before Thanksgiving
Activist Post | 2017
Color of law to…

Supreme Court To Debate Warrantless Collection Of Cellphone Records
Zero Hedge | 29 November 2017
Shape the future of how law enforcement…

Ammon Bundy Released From Prison
Good 4 Utah | 01 December 2017
Judge allowed Ammon and co-defendant…
Despite Judge’s Order Releasing him During his Trial, Cliven Bundy Opts to Stay in Jail
LA Times | 29 November 2017
Felony weapons and…
Ammon Bundy’s Lawyer Tased Inside Courtroom
Good 4 Utah | 28 October 2016
Last year: U.S. Marshal’s didn’t…
Ryan Bundy’s Opening Statement Is Something Every Red-Blooded American Should Hear
Washington STD | 24 November 2017
Patrick Henry-esque fashion…

Washington Post Reporter Admits There Is No Evidence to Support the Claim of Trump-Russia Collusion
Need to Know | 30 November 2017

US Coast Guard Operates Secret Floating Prisons In Pacific Ocean
Zero Hedge | 30 November 2017
Floating prisons legal…

The Internecine Deep State Conflict Moves to Stage Two
Charles Hugh Smith | 30 November 2017
Coincidence, but I doubt…

Office Opens Case File into Accusation that Conway Broke the Law
The Hill | 29 November 2017
Using their offices to…

Coinbase ordered to report 14,355 users to the IRS
The Verge | 29 November 2017
More than…

The End of the Syrian War Is the Beginning of a New Middle Eastern Order
Strategic Culture | 28 November 2017
Largest possible number of opposition…

Seizure of Russian Forex Reserves in US Would Mean ‘Declaration of Financial War’
RT | 28 November 2017
“If we did not have a margin of”…

Latest Solari Donation
Michael T. Flynn Legal Defense Fund
Mike Flynn Defense Fund | November 2017
Deeply grateful for…

Clintons Understated Support from Firm Hired by Russian Nuclear Company
The Hill | 28 November 2017
APCO was much…

Latest Solari Donation
Defeat The Elite: For Judge Roy Moore
Roy Moore | November 2017
Donation page…

Judge Roy Moore For US Senate
Roy Moore | November 2017
Alabama candidate…

Mapping the Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on the United States -Excluding Federal Costs
How Much | 29 November 2017
(How Much,, is a cost information website)State by state…

Brexit Divorce Bill Deal Within Days, Says EU’s Chief Negotiator Barnier
Guardian | 29 November 2017
Warned German businesses…

European Union Remains ‘Committed’ To Opening Borders to 75 Million Turkish Citizens as ‘Soon as Possible’
Searchlight Germany | 29 November 2017

Gunman Opens Fire from a High Rise Balcony in Reno, NV
Info Wars | 29 November 2017
No Casualties Reported, as Yet…

The Military Is Offering Amazon A $5 Billion Contract Without Seeing If Anyone Can Do It Cheaper
Washington Examiner | 29 November 2017
Opinion. Stakes are high here, as…

Defense Bill Could Provide Amazon With $53 Billion Government Procurement Market
Bookweb | 15 November 2017

Thank Hillary Clinton for Libya’s slave markets
The Times Herald | 28 November 2017

Sen. Rand Paul: Here’s Why I Plan to Vote for the Senate Tax Bill (and my colleagues should step up)
Fox News | 27 November 2017
I would have…

Book Excerpt: How I Became a Kremlin Troll by The Saker
The Saker | 27 November 2017
Call “another West” which, far…

Congress confronts jam-packed December with shutdown deadline looming
Washington Post | 26 November 2017
Floated the possibility of…

Ryan Bundy’s Opening Statement Is Something Every Red-Blooded American Should Hear
Freedom Outpost | 24 November 2017
The fact is that we create government to…

Sir James Goldsmith: 1992 Schumacher Lecture

YouTube | 26 January 2015

Sir James Goldsmith Youtube Channel
YouTube | 20 October 2012
Sir James Goldsmith discusses the ramifications of…

Putin Is Mediating A Secret Deal Between Assad And Netanyahu, Bombshell Report Reveals
Zero Hedge | 27 November 2017
Netanyahu himself…

A Notorious Conservative ‘Sting’ Operation Tried to Embarrass The Washington Post with a Fake Roy Moore Story — and it Backfired Spectacularly
Business Insider | 27 November 2017
Decision to publish…

‘Blowback’: Clinton Campaign Planned to Fire Me Over Email Probe, Obama Intel watchdog Says
Fox News | 27 November 2017
Office was marginalized by…

Why Mueller Is Really Indicting Flynn
Zero Hedge | 27 November 2017
That didn’t ingratiate him with…

FBI Didn’t Warn Targets of Russian Hacking
Political Wire | 26 November 2017
Bizarre and…

Susan Sarandon: ‘I thought Hillary was Very Dangerous. If She’d Won, We’d be at War’
Guardian | 26 November 2017
Opportunity to include men as…

Trump’s JFK Document Dump Fueled The Conspiracy Theory Fire (HBO)

YouTube | 22 November 2017
To stop him from…

Egypt Raises Death Toll in Mosque Attack to 305 Killed, including 27 Children
Chicago Tribune | 25 November 2017
Methodically checked their…

The Irresistible Rise of MBS… and his Possible Downfall
Asia Times | 21 November 2017
By an impulsive policy of…

Three Years after Nevada Ranch standoff, Bundy Federal Trial Begins in Las Vegas
Salt Lake Tribune | 15 November 2017
Showing federal officers throwing…

The EU signed a “Historic” Deal to Integrate 23 Armies to Shake Off its US Dependence
Quartz | 13 November 2017
Removed that hurdle…