Geopolitical – Week of 10.08.17

Former SEAL Team Commander: Vegas Appears To Be Political Operation
YouTube | 04 October 2017
Heed the Warning…

Another Day, Another Horror: Who benefits? – The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
YouTube | 06 October 2017
More Unanswered Questions…

George Soros Bet Millions Against Mandalay Bay/MGM Last Quarter
Your News Wire | 09 October 2017
No Investigations….

Germany Moves Ahead with Nord Stream II
Martin Armstrong | 11 October 2017
Russo-German Cooperation Grows…

Rex Tillerson at the Breaking Point
The New Yorker | 11 October 2017
Things are Coming to a Head…

Ann Boroch the Latest Holistic Doctor to Die: the Four ..
JP Farrell | 27 August 2017
Suicides, Keeping the Status Quo???

The Smartest Americans Are Heading West
Bloomberg | 10 October 2017
Brain Trust Migration…

The Human Stain: Why the Harvey Weinstein Story Is Worse Than You Think
The Weekly Standard | 09 October 2017
Multipled Types of Abuse, Chronicled…

Mattis urges military ‘to be ready’ with options on North Korea
Politico | 09 October 2017
Still More War…

Saudi government allegedly funded a ‘dry run’ for 9/11
NY Post | 09 September 2017
Our Dear Allies…

Why you shouldn’t believe anything the FBI says about the Vegas shooting
Jon Rappoport | 09 October 2017

Still More Unanswered Questions…

Gun Facts
JPFO | September 2015
Gun Regulation Mythos…

The Dark Web’s Largest Pedophile Site Was Secretly Run By The Police For A Year
Zero Hedge | 09 October 2017
Down Under Debacle…

The Equifax Hack Started the Wrong Conversation
Bloomberg | 05 October 2017
Zero Digital Security…

Multiple Stories Republicans Caving
GOA | 09 October 2017
Republicans Cave on Gun Control…

Relations between Turkey and America are near breaking point
The Economist | 09 October 2017
Cracks in NATO….

Trump’s popularity is slipping in rural America: poll
Reuters | 09 October 2017
Abandoned Middle America…

Landmark Federal Reserve building catches fire
NY Post | 08 October 2017

Insider Trading and Financial Anomalies Surrounding the Las Vegas Attack
Zer Hedge | 07 October 2017
Follow the Money..

America might see a new constitutional convention in a few years
The Economist | 30 September 2017
The “Con-Con” Con…

Texas’ Iconic Alamo Set to Undergo Extraordinary and Historically Devastating Changes’
92.9 Withchita| 25 September 2017
Attack of the Shrubs…

In remembering the Alamo, George P. Bush is forced to defend himself
The Statesman | 07 October 2017
More Attack of the Shrubs…

Migrant Unemployment Hits Record High in Germany
Truth Revolt | 06 October 2017
The Reason for the Rise of the German Right…

Germany’s far-right party surged to its best election result since the Nazis — meet Marine Le Pen-like leader Alice Weidel
Business Insider | 25 September 2017
Rise of the German Right..

In a switch, GOP deserts its budget-cutting mantra
Washington Post | 07 October 2017
RINOs Show Their Colors…

Republicans Yank Concealed Carry Reciprocity; Want to Discuss New Gun Controls
GOA | 07 October 2017
Spineless RINOs…